I Believe in Theistic Evolution
Theistic evolution can mean different things to different people, as can “evolution” without the modifier “theistic.”
Theistic evolution can refer to common or universal common descent or to the creative power of the natural selection/random variation (or mutation) mechanism. But evolution can also just simply mean “change over time.” And if one believes that God causes “change over time,” then that can be understood as a form of theistic evolution. I... Continue Reading
How To Live The Victorious Christian Life
The new life we have by the blood of Christ is ultimately how we must measure victory in this age.
The real power and wisdom are not found in principles for our victorious living but in the announcement of God’s victory in Christ. In fact, Christ does not just show us wisdom, he “has become our wisdom, righteousness, holiness and redemption” (v. 30). This is exactly the same situation in which we find ourselves to... Continue Reading
What Proverbs Teaches about Being Teachable
If you’re wondering how to grow in teachability, perhaps there’s no better place to turn than the Bible’s wisdom book.
Humility is the starting point for teachability because teachable souls know their need for learning. Prideful people think they know more than everyone else and don’t need to learn more. Teachable people know there is always something more to learn from everybody. If there is any quality that helps in every area of life,... Continue Reading
The Wisdom of Impartiality
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere (James 3:18).
Why does he include impartiality as a quality of wisdom? I believe one answer to that question is that all of these qualities get to the heart of what wisdom is, Biblically speaking. Often when we think of someone who is wise or possesses wisdom, we think philosophically about it. We think of someone who... Continue Reading
He Will Carry You Through the Fire
When fears arise, how do you respond?
When Moses died, a whole nation was terrified. We know God’s people were afraid, because he says to Joshua three times in four verses, “Be strong and courageous. . . . Only be strong and very courageous. . . . Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:6–9). Maybe you can feel their fear... Continue Reading
10 Reasons Why You Should Trust the Bible
We can have confidence in the Bible as God’s true and trusted speech to us.
The Bible was written by many authors over more than two thousand years, and yet it has a unity to it that is unlike any other religious collection of books. This unity exists because one divine author wrote it—God. The Old Testament anticipates the New Testament, and the New Testament recasts old metaphors and imagery,... Continue Reading
10 Things You Should Know about Money
Every sin dethrones divine wisdom and enthrones human wisdom. So it is with money.
Money is an accurate window on what is truly important to us. It exposes the fact that this side of eternity it is really hard to hold in our hearts as important what God says is truly important. There is a dangerous tendency in each of our hearts to assign increasing importance to things beyond... Continue Reading
Christ’s Exaltation: The Ground of Our Hope
The nineteenth century’s humanistic faith in inevitable moral progress was destroyed on the battlefields of two cataclysmic world wars.
The Christian worldview stands in stark contrast both to the humanistic idea of progress and to modern secular pessimism. At the center of the Christian worldview stands a hope centered in the rule and reign of Christ—a reign that will one day be revealed to the entire cosmos. “The twentieth century, it is safe to... Continue Reading
I Left Same-Sex Romance for Love
Knowing Jesus has continually revealed just how superficial and man-made the things I used to treasure were.
Like a diamond that weighs down your hand, that makes you avert your eyes for its rainbow brilliance, coming to know Jesus has continually revealed just how dingy, superficial, and man-made the things were I used to consider treasure. But God has saved me and shown me that saying yes to Jesus is far better.... Continue Reading
Confusing Pleasure and Joy
I discovered that the more pleasure I acquired, the less joy I possessed, because I was seeking pleasure in things that required that I disobey God.
When I became a Christian, I found myself wishing I had paid more attention in my catechism class. The only thing I remembered from the Shorter Catechism was the first question and answer, and the only reason I remembered that question was because I never could make sense out of it. The question was this:... Continue Reading