When God Becomes a Superstition
God the Negotiator and God the Santa Claus are two ways we can get God wrong.
God is neither a salesman nor a jolly Santa. First, God doesn’t need anything from us. God is fully and completely self-sufficient and independent of his creation (Rom. 11:34-35). His power and self-sufficiency make negotiations with God a fruitless effort. In his book Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace, Miroslav Volf... Continue Reading
The Sin That Clings So Closely
Sin’s ensnaring grasp is much like being trapped in a cave.
Though Christ has overthrown sin’s power, we can give into temptation and allow sin to overthrow us. Our liberty can at times feel questionable as we struggle with our abiding sin. All believers struggle with sin generally, but most can identify a “besetting sin.” I’m referring to a unique area of weakness in which we... Continue Reading
One Year Later: Reflection on Life in the Face of Death
One year ago today I checked into the hospital and didn’t go home for a month.
Starting today, for the next four weeks, my Timehop will remind me of moments I’ve spent the better part of this past year trying to process and accept. It will remind me of the hopeful times and the terrifying times. It will remind me of the things God taught me and the ways I struggled.... Continue Reading
Are You Flexible for the Gospel?
One should always be ready to abandon the appeal to one’s rights.
It is also important to recognize that becoming a world Christian—one whose commitment to Jesus and his kingdom is self-consciously set above national, cultural, linguistic, and racial allegiances—cannot be an end in itself. The aim is not to become so international and culturally flexible that one does not fit in anywhere; the aim, rather, is to become so... Continue Reading
11 Things to Know about the Doctrine of the Trinity
To contemplate the Trinity is to lift up your heart and to “set your mind on the things above.”
There is never a point in the New Testament when Paul writes to a church, “Now concerning the three persons in the one God, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.” That doesn’t happen because neither Paul nor the other apostles ever announce to the church for the first time that we have received information... Continue Reading
Jesus, John the Baptist, and Redemptive-History (Matthew 3)
Jesus does not submit himself to John’s baptism as a mere example to be followed, but to propel redemptive-history forward in himself as the true Israel.
But we may be able to say more than this, for Jesus himself undergoes John’s baptism with water for repentance. As the true Israel (cf. 2:15), he makes a true confession of sins, not for his own sins, but vicariously for the sake of his people he came to save. In fulfilling all righteousness. ... Continue Reading
Are Believers Under The Law As A Schoolmaster
The role of the Law of God in convicting sinners and consecrating believers.
In its third use the law serves as the rule for the Christian. Now, however, our relation to the law has changed. “Before, it was an instrument of the spirit of bondage to throw down and bruise man, but afterwards it becomes the instrument of the Spirit of adoption to promote sanctification. Thus the law... Continue Reading
Help and Hope During a Disability Diagnosis: The Story of Hannah
I’ve never been able to have a sit-down conversation with my daughter about her emotions. Lucy’s brain just doesn’t work that way.
While grief is a natural part of any special needs parent’s journey, it’s experienced differently by parents affected by Autism because of the range of possible outcomes. Many children with Autism grow up to be well-functioning adults. Most of these kids experience the social and communication struggles of Autism without intellectual delays. However, just over half,... Continue Reading
Adjusting Our Grip on God’s Promises
We must distinguish between the promises of God and our expectations for how they will be fuilfilled
“If God chooses to fulfill His promise in an unexpected way…if He chooses to bring you to Egypt and give the land to your great-great-great-great-great-granchildren…if He chooses to give you a new resurrection body rather than heal the one you have…then submit to the goodness of His plan.” No one would have called Jacob’s... Continue Reading
How R.C. Sproul Blessed the Church by Preaching the Curse
This was a passionate plea to consider the horrors of the cross and thus the splendor of God’s grace
“In this sermon, we see exactly what made Sproul’s teaching ministry so powerful for so many years. He reminded us of who we are. Even more importantly he reminded us of who God is. Let’s give it a closer look.” It was the 2008 Together for the Gospel Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This was... Continue Reading