Why Study the Books of Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah?
Lamentations, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are rich with God’s truth about our sin and need of redemption as well as his love for us in the Savior Jesus Christ.
These prophets reveal an important part of covenant history. Israel was chosen and set apart as a holy nation unto the Lord (Ex. 19:5–6; 1 Pet. 2:9–10), who set his love upon them and called them out of Egypt. He protected and led them through the wilderness into the Promised Land. Though God was faithful... Continue Reading
Encourage One Another
How can we perform deeds of encouragement that amplify our words of encouragement?
When God’s people lovingly “encourage one another” with Christ-exalting words and deeds, the gospel message is not only clarified but amplified. Even more profoundly, God is glorified as His family enjoys a home “where seldom is heard a discouraging word.” I am sure that somewhere and at some time Tabletalk readers have heard the... Continue Reading
Why Francis Schaeffer Matters: Epistemology – Part 5
Dr. Schaeffer’s epistemology is integral to his approach to apologetics
The Christian epistemological system brings three things together in a unified whole; the unified field of knowledge that modern man has given up on. “The infinite personal God who made the universe; and man, whom he made to live in that universe; and the Bible, which He has given us to tell us about that... Continue Reading
How Exactly Does True, Lasting, Sanctification Take Place?
Biblical sanctification is always relational at its core
“It’s impossible to become the kind of person God intends us to be without walking in relationship with Him. And that means all the hallmarks of wise human relationships find their analogy in our covenant relationship with God.” Let’s talk about sanctification for a minute. Actually, let’s talk about marriage first. Hang in there,... Continue Reading
Are Sports and Hobbies a Waste of Time?
How do I know if a hobby or sport is sinful?
“I think if you are failing at church, but succeeding at a computer game, or the people in your church don’t know you but you’re a hero on Instagram, I’d say that’s a mark of real failure. So, what William Cary was looking for in that quote I think was really pushing us to, we... Continue Reading
Three Steps to Better Doctrinal Disagreements
Far too many disagreements today are more personal than they should be
“As we have seen with the sexual revolution, people routinely identify their beliefs with themselves, not separate from themselves. Increasingly, this even occurs with Christians. It is harder than ever to have a discussion about the merits—and only the merits—of a point of view, but this is exactly what we must try to do.” ... Continue Reading
Just in Time
As I was reflecting on this letter, I began to think of how, in many ways, I am still a spiritual eight-year-old
I’ve grown in some ways, but in many others I feel just as small, just as weak, just as vulnerable. I began to think, “Does God still see me as an eight-year-old?” After a moment’s thought, I realized that I am certainly not an eight-year-old in God’s eyes; I’m a infant. And so are you.... Continue Reading
God’s Sovereignty and Our Responsibility
To say that God is sovereign is to express His almightiness in every area.
Reformed theology, on the other hand, insists that no event happens that is a surprise to God. To us it is luck or chance, but to God it is part of His decree. “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord” (Prov. 16:33). Language of God changing His... Continue Reading
Train up a Child…but Remember, it’s God who Saves Them
I tried to train my children up in the way they should go, but God showed me again and again, that it was not my training that was going to save them.
I thought that if I just did all the right things as a parent – if I had daily devotions, if I prayed every night with them, if I lovingly disciplined them, if I took them to church, if I got a “swear box” that removed bad words from movies we watched, if I made... Continue Reading
Is the Bible Enough for Us? – Sufficiency
Has God really given us enough in these multi-millennia old books to address our modern conundrums?
Immediately upon my regeneration, I had no problem understanding that the Bible alone is the word of God. However, I did not grasp the implications of that. Issues came at me one after the other. I immersed in my local Christian culture. Professing believers were kind, friendly, and zealous. We hung out often and talked... Continue Reading