Why Francis Schaeffer Matters: Consequences of Pitting Rationality Against Faith – Part 4
When rationality contends against faith, one is not able to establish a system of morality.
Schaeffer challenges us, “Let us Christians remember, then, that if we fall into the trap against which I have been warning, what we have done, among other things, is to put ourselves in the position where in reality we are only saying with evangelical words what the unbeliever is saying with his words. In order... Continue Reading
4 Reasons Why We Need Biblical Theology
To read the Bible faithfully, we need the proper tools. The discipline of biblical theology is one of those helpful tools.
Biblical theology helps us read, understand, and teach the Bible the way Jesus said we should. Jesus himself says in Luke 24 that he is Scripture’s interpretive key. So if we fail to read and understand Scripture in a way that leads us to Jesus, then we will miss the point of the Bible, and... Continue Reading
The Federal Vision and Union with Christ
One of the chief problems with the Federal Vision is a wrong definition of what union with Christ is.
As with all the Reformed creeds, Owen connects all our graces together in an unbroken chain from election to justification to adoption to perseverance to glory. The Federal Vision contradicts Reformed theology and the Scriptures by separating both perseverance and glory from the other graces. “In baptism we are brought covenantally and publicly out... Continue Reading
The Creation Account: Literal Or Literary?
The Westminster Confession of Faith declares that God created the world "in the space of six days" (WCF 4:1).
Had Moses intended that six days represent six eras, he could have chosen a more fitting expression: olam. This word is often translated “forever,” but it also means a long period of time (e.g., Ex 12:24; 21:6; 27:20; 29:28; 30:21). Furthermore, he should not have qualified the days with “evening and morning.” The great... Continue Reading
The 10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity
Although its advocates present liberal Christianity as something new and revolutionary, it is nothing of the sort.
The abiding presence of liberal Christianity struck me the other day when I came across a daily “devotional” from Richard Rohr. Ironically, it was entitled, “Returning to Essentials.” And that devotional listed out 10 principles that Rohr thinks Christianity needs to embody (his list is actually drawn from Philip Gulley’s book, If the Church Were Christian).... Continue Reading
The Spirit’s Role: Regeneration
If we are changed by God’s Spirit, then is there nothing to do but sit back and wait for the Spirit to work? No!
The Spirit ordinarily regenerates people by the preaching of God’s Word. The Apostle Peter uses another picture for new life, drawn this time not from animal but plant life: “since you have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.” (1 Pe 1:23) This change... Continue Reading
How to be a Better Boaster
At heart, it’s really all about worship, self-worship and getting others to worship you.
Virtue-signaling is a recent innovation, and we’re still refining it, but it’s a way of show-casing your own virtue to gain you higher standing in a social group. Some good ones I’ve seen on social media are: “Saying prayers for the poor in Africa,” or, “Grieving over global warming.” Social media has also made it... Continue Reading
Trusting in the Lord During Seasons of Waiting
“My God will hear me” (Micah 7:7). Five small words — but they teach several crucial lessons.
Remember this the next time you think you are too busy or burdened to ask God for help, or direction, or protection. Pray while you’re studying for or taking a test, making a sales presentation, apologizing to your spouse, or explaining the gospel to your children. God hears your prayers! “My God will hear... Continue Reading
The Simplicity of the Christian Faith
If there were a recipe for Christian salvation, it would read, “No other ingredients needed but Christ.”
Christ’s fullness is given to us. Fellowship with Christ means fullness in Christ. The Christian, by Christ’s Spirit, is united to Christ in fellowship, and in Him we have everything. We are filled. We lack nothing. The Christian faith is quite simple. For many Christians, it seems too simple to sum up our faith... Continue Reading
Fighting Fear with Fear
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
Scripture reveals that humans are creatures created to fear. But like every other part of our spiritual constitution, we twist the design into perversion. God’s design is for you to live in the joyful fear of the Lord as the only escape from the terrifying fear of man. So let’s dive in. In part 1,... Continue Reading