Sexual Identity: What Does the Bible Say?
In a culture that has largely accepted the belief that the only thing that really matters, the only thing that is actually real, is the individual’s feelings, opinions and choices, it is very easy for Christians to think and act according to this, even unconsciously.
To regard human feelings, choices and opinions as ultimate reality, or the only thing that really matters can rightly be called “subjectivism;” the knowing the subject is the ultimate determiner of how things are to be interpreted. In this way of thinking and living it is not the object being interpreted that matters most for... Continue Reading
I Couldn’t Call God ‘Father’
An Iranian woman’s journey of faith
But there was a great challenge awaiting me. I had to accept God as my Father. In my mind, “Father” was not a word of honor toward the God I had come to know. “Mother” would have felt like a much better word. But God wanted to reveal himself to me. And he did so... Continue Reading
How Great (and Gentle) is our God!
Enter 2018 beholding the awesome greatness and awesome gentleness of our God. Then feel the strength and courage returning to your weary and fearful soul.
Do we really have any cause to fear and tremble? Do we lack reasons for peace and trust? Behold the awesome greatness of our God. As Isaiah asks us in his challenging summary: “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, neither faints... Continue Reading
The Controversy about Infant Baptism
Wouldn’t it be better to just allow each Christian and church to operate according to what they believe and call this an “off-limits” subject?
We all benefit from studying, knowing, and having a conviction about the doctrine of baptism and its practice in the church. Our goal is not to win an argument, to rally support to our cause, or to shame those who possess a differing opinion. Rather, what drives us is a serious consideration of our Lord’s... Continue Reading
Biblical Success
Human beings are remarkably poor judges of success and failure; they use the wrong measuring sticks.
The measure of our success cannot be defined by what we accomplish here on earth; it has already been defined by the fact that we are in Christ. It is this that frees us to spend ourselves and everything we have in service to Christ’s kingdom. And it is this that also frees us from... Continue Reading
Why Not Aim At Becoming Wiser This Year?
You will develop a good reputation among people because of your wisdom. This is more important than obtaining wealth.
Above all, if you are wise you will learn and apply the grace of humility (3:7; 11:2; 8:12-13; 26:12), before the face of God (Jas. 4:10). In other words, you will reflect the heart of Jesus Christ (Phil. 2). As a Christian, that is the character of the One you follow (Isa. 11:2; Matt. 13:54;... Continue Reading
The Seeking God
God’s care for sinners runs so deep that He seeks them by all necessary measures
“God not only seeks sinners, He finds them. How many things have we sought for unsuccessfully? We know what it feels like to give up a search. Many have sought to purchase a home only to see it taken off the market. We’ve unsuccessfully sought out a certain job or educational opportunity. But God always... Continue Reading
7 Unbiased Facts about Jesus’ Death
Today, even liberal scholars agree about some very basic data
“According to multiple sources, Jesus was condemned to die for specific reasons. He attempted to lead Israel away from God through miraculous deeds. His enemies attributed his works to the devil as acts of sorcery. He was then condemned to die for blasphemy for claiming to be God. Jesus was handed over to Pontius Pilate... Continue Reading
What’s the Difference Between Lament and Complaint?
Is “lament” just a name we give to complaining when it’s in the Bible?
“First, in a lament, you’re talking to God, not about God—implying that you still trust God. God’s response to grumbling in Numbers is opening the ground underneath the Israelites. Lament, to be safe, should be done in the context of worship. But, Longman said, Christians have lost the tradition of lamenting in Christian worship.” ... Continue Reading
Heaven-bound: What will it be like?
God does more than comfort us with His descriptions of heaven – He also uses them to correct our misdirected desires.
Many of us may remember back in our younger years, wondering if heaven was going to be boring. The idea of strumming on a harp and singing all day, every day, isn’t appealing to most children (nor to many musically inept adults). But while this question bothers many kids, few will ask it out loud... Continue Reading