Pastor, Don’t Get Cute this Christmas
Dear pastor–and I’m reminding myself as much as I’m reminding you–our people don’t need us to find something new.
There will be unbelievers at your Christmas Eve service. And struggling saints. And weary souls. And wayward sinners. And stragglers who have ventured into a church for the first time in a very long time. They need to hear about Jesus, about the Word made flesh, about the only begotten Son sent from the Father,... Continue Reading
On Distinguishing The Jerusalem That Is Below From That Which Is Above
To have a religious interest in Jerusalem is to miss a very important point, that the whole function of the types and shadows (of which Jerusalem was always one) was to direct believers to Christ.
Do Christians have a civil or political interest in Jerusalem? Surely but we are just as sure to disagree about what that is. Some of us think that, for historical, geo-political reasons, that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of modern the state of Israel. Others disagree. That is all well and good but... Continue Reading
Spurgeon’s 15 Tips for a Deep and Effective Prayer Life
When asked the secret of his influential preaching ministry, Charles Spurgeon frequently responded, “My people pray for me.”
Don’t worry about praying eloquent prayers. “A mother can translate baby-talk: she comprehends incomprehensible noises. Even so doth our Father in heaven know all about our poor baby talk, for our prayer is not much better.” “True prayer is measured by weight, and not by length. A single groan before God may have more fulness of... Continue Reading
Sexual Allegations – In Defense of Truth Telling
How to determine when an accusation is true or false?
A ceremony (Numbers 5:11-24) was required that called upon God to settle the issue directly. If we extract the covenantal principle from this ceremonial action in the Book of Numbers, the common use of covenant malediction in the Bible comes to the forefront. This is one avenue that is missing in the modern jurisprudence. When... Continue Reading
Joseph’s Decision
Actually Joseph is a great hero of our faith, one of the greatest ingredients in the profile of the Messiah.
It points to his integrity and his tenderness. He “considered these things.” He didn’t just rush to a conclusion. He looked at it from every possible angle. Only after that, he “resolved to divorce her quietly.” He believed it was the right thing to do. However, he resolved to do it quietly, because that would... Continue Reading
8 Marks off True Reformers
What will it look like to be a reformer today?
Christians who are eager for change need to be careful not to supplant the gospel with whatever issue has captivated their zeal. “If you make Christianity begin…with giving up” of particular errors, “you will nullify rather than implant your teaching.” We don’t become Christians by changing bad habits. We change bad habits because Christ becomes... Continue Reading
God Has a Heart for the Vulnerable. Do You?
The truth, according to God, is that people are valuable because they are made in His image.
When my son was a toddler, we attended a lovely event for people with his particular disability, Williams Syndrome. There was much good in this gathering, but I left deeply troubled. In almost every conversation I heard some form of that utilitarian worldview, that lie. Parents seemed bent on defending the worth of their children... Continue Reading
Is Tolerance the Highest Virtue?
G.K. Chesterton once said, “Tolerance is the highest virtue for those who have no others.”
Christians are called to be discerning, but in our day, “toleration” is a by-word that characterizes our pluralistic society. To be sure, being tolerant of other people and what they believe is important for living peaceably with other human beings in this world. And, of all people, Christians ought to be examples in loving our... Continue Reading
Peace on Earth
Peace in Scripture means health, wholeness, spiritual robustness.
Do you long for peace? Do you feel stressed and anxious, burdened by all kinds of pressures and fears? Here’s a promise from the word of God that is tailor-made for you. Here our Heavenly Father promises peace to certain people. What is this peace? In English, we tend to think of peace as the absence of... Continue Reading
Born of the Virgin Mary
Our one Mediator, who stands as an agent to reconcile God and man, is the One who participates both in deity and in humanity.
We see then the purpose of the first advent of Christ. The Logos took upon Himself a human nature, the Word became flesh to effect our redemption by fulfilling the role of the perfect Mediator between God and man. The new Adam is our champion, our representative, who satisfies the demands of God’s law for... Continue Reading