The Double Groan of the Gospel
It would not be overstating the case to recognize that every Christian personally, and Gospel workers in particular, have the greatest share or portion not in this life but the next
We still live in the body, with all its fickleness and frailty. With the spirit yearning intensely, and our slow progress in sanctification, we sigh and long for higher, holier, climes, immune from the stresses and strains, attacks and anguish, problems and pains, pollution and persecutions of this life – we weep and long for... Continue Reading
The Greatness of Giving Thanks
Despite his many earthly reasons to complain, Paul was constantly giving thanks to God
Paul did not have an easy life. He was beaten, slandered, misunderstood, imprisoned, shipwrecked, stoned, and opposed by someone almost everywhere he went. Nevertheless, he was profoundly grateful. Being grateful has little to do with your circumstances. Sure, it’s easier to be happy when everything is coming up roses, but we’ve all known people who... Continue Reading
Dear Mormon—I Can’t Call You a Brother in Christ
How can we determine if Mormonism is Christian or cult?
Mormons are not Christians based on several key teachings. Some of those troubling teachings include the spirit brotherhood of Satan and Jesus, the baptism for the dead, a racial problem, a polytheistic view of many gods, and a clear denial of the Trinity. These teachings stand in clear contradiction to the teachings of God’s Word—and... Continue Reading
The Forgiveness of Sins
Forgiveness is the reason I can get out of bed in the morning
I no longer lose sleep wondering if my faith is strong enough to merit salvation, as I sometimes did when I was young. Salvation is not simply about having sins forgiven, though it is certainly about that. We are justified by Christ’s perfect obedience. I have a greater and better assurance now that rests upon... Continue Reading
How to Influence Your Conscience (Before Someone Else Does)
A movie or a book is like a sermon, and we kid ourselves when we say they don’t exert a moral influence on us.
In the entertainment you engage with, have you been allowing God’s word to shape the laugh track of your life—or has your laugh track been subtly shaped by the world? To help you answer this question, reflect on whether the things you are laughing at or approving of help or hinder your conscience, by asking... Continue Reading
What Role Do Good Works Play in Salvation?
So my salvation, initially, is grounded upon good works—Jesus’ good works.
What about my own good works? Do they have a role? Most Protestants would say no. Justification is only one part of salvation. Salvation is the big word. Salvation is the word that covers all of the process by which God fully brings us to total redemption. Justification is that point in the process when... Continue Reading
Jesus Is Not Your American Patriot
God has made all people—including Americans—in his image, but we shall not make him in ours.
Instead of worshiping at the altar of a false civil religion, Christians have a dual citizenship: a lesser, temporary citizenship on earth and a supreme, eternal citizenship in heaven. Love of country is a good thing, but the interests of our eternal King far outweigh any interests of our earthly land. I live in... Continue Reading
Assurance: a Pastoral Conversation
“My dear man, let me begin by telling you that your foundation is secure."
“Do you believe that man’s condition is such that he is in need of salvation?” The man responded promptly, “Well, yes, of course.” The minister leaned even further toward the man making him a bit uncomfortable. “But,” said the minister, “do you believe that God has promised to save men and that this plan is... Continue Reading
Hollywood, Capitol Hill and the Human Heart
We ought to welcome an exposure of sexual sin in a culture that has celebrated, embraced and fought for every other conceivable form of sexual sin.
However, only highlighting one or two specific forms of sexual depravity will have the inevitable and undesired result of fueling self-righteousness among those outraged by it. When the media singles out one particular sexual sin, while approving almost all other forms, one who hasn’t fallen into a socially unacceptable form of sexual sin begins to... Continue Reading
Does 2 Thessalonians 2:13 Teach That Our Good Works Are An Instrument Of Salvation?
God the Spirit graciously produces good works in those whom Christ as justified and whom the Spirit is sanctifying.
Paul does not, however, teach any of the doctrines that are being claimed as Pauline and Reformed in the current discussion. There is in Paul no two-stage doctrine of salvation, wherein one is initially justified sola gratia, sola fide and finally saved through faith and works. The salvation in view here is present. The Thessalonians are not said... Continue Reading