14 Ways to Fight For God’s Peace in Times of Stress
God gives us many promises we can cling to in hard times, and gives us a number of things we can do to experience his peace.
God desires his children to experience his peace. This doesn’t mean we won’t ever have serious concerns or be tempted to be anxious. It doesn’t mean we will always feel peace. But as we fight the good fight of faith, we will increasingly experience the deep peace of God. Life in this world is... Continue Reading
The right balance here is to esteem highly the image of God in us, and to loathe the distortion that sin brings.
in order to see the truth about self-esteem, we need to nuance the discussion. It is not a matter of whether we should have high or low self-esteem. Instead, it is a question of which way(or concerning what) we should have self-esteem, and which way we should not. The problem of self-esteem seems to be evergreen. There... Continue Reading
Christ, the Purpose of the Law
Why did Christ the King in His everlasting love and kindness give that which was found to be death to many, especially when there were so many abundant promises given to the Jews in the Old Testament?
It might seem reasonable at first to simply assume that Paul is saying that the Law was added in response to sin, to curb sin, and to increase holiness through law keeping. But, nearly to the contrary, it is more likely that Paul means that it was added to (1) expose sin—to make it known,... Continue Reading
Four Reasons Why Desire in Genesis 3:16 is About Intimacy Not Domination
Simply put, there is no connotation of domination in the word “desire” and it is definitely not implied in the text.
I think an implication of God cursing woman with a desire to dominate her husband is the fact that God would be “effectively causing” women to sin. Of course, we know that the fall did mess up a lot of things including the relationship between husbands and wives. But what we must be careful not... Continue Reading
Warfield & Inspiration: The Authority of the Bible
"The Bible is the Word of God in such a way that when the Bible speaks, God speaks,"
It was these common views of Scripture and of Jesus that B.B. Warfield was confronting when he defended the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible. Contrary to the beliefs of higher criticism, Warfield taught that all of Scripture was inspired by God, not in the sense of God dictating to or possessing the human body... Continue Reading
The Role of Experience
Experience does teach us, but it’s never the final arbiter of right and wrong; only God and his Word give us the standards by which we must live.
One of the most powerful devices of manipulation we’ve ever designed is to claim that we have experienced the Spirit’s approval of our actions. How can anyone dare contradict us if we claim divine authority for what we want to do? The result is that we end up silencing any questions about our behavior. But... Continue Reading
Beware (and Embrace) the Power of Story
Argue theology and Christians will dig in, tell Christians stories and they will cave in.
If we are going to respond well to the new cultural ethos, we need to know God’s Story—his plan for humanity, sexuality, and marriage. We need to be fully convinced about why it matters so much. We need to be willing to suffer loss to uphold it. Ultimately, we need to know that for stories... Continue Reading
Giving Might Be the Most Neglected and Least Modeled Spiritual Gift in the Western Church
Giving is the one least thought about and talked about gifts in the Western church, and perhaps in the entire world.
It’s increasingly common for Christians in accountability groups to ask one another the tough questions: “Have you been spending time in the Word?” “Are you living in sexual purity?” or “Have you been sharing your faith?” But how often do we ask, “Are you winning the battle against materialism?” or “How are you doing with... Continue Reading
A Few Good Men
Meeting the “men” in our spiritual lives.
So faith has chased away Mr. Goodness, Mr. Guilt, and Mr. Boasting. What about Mr. Law? Does Mr. Faith chase him away too? Let Paul answer: “Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law” (v. 31). Every other pretended way of salvation diminishes the law... Continue Reading
Election and Sovereign Grace (Boston)
"Why did he choose any of the fallen race of men to grace and glory?"
“It was his mere good pleasure to select some, and pass by others. He could have been without them all, without any blemish either on his happiness or justice; but out of his mere good pleasure he set his love on a select number, in whom he will display the invincible efficacy of his sovereign... Continue Reading