A Curious Example of Early Christian Devotion to Scripture
A curious example of the role of Scripture in early Christianity was the phenomenon of the miniature codex.
The early Christians probably used the miniature codex format for a number of reasons including private reading, portability for long journeys, and sometimes even in a “magical” sense (thinking it provided protection for the one who possessed it). But, it seems they also used these books as a visible sign of their Christian identity. Christians would... Continue Reading
3 Lines In The Sand
These new challenges actually raise three questions we must consider.
“We must let the Bible be our guide. If it’s a gospel issue, then we must take our stand. If it’s a biblical truth matter, then we must take our stand. God has spoken on the nature of human identity and sexual identity. God has spoken on marriage.” At the turn of the twentieth... Continue Reading
On Marrying Canaanites (2 Cor 6:14–7:1)
Has the advent of the New Covenant changed things so that Christians are free to inter-marry with pagans?
“The basic principle here is truly clear: Christians may not enter into spiritual relations with pagans. As Calvin notes in his commentary on this passage, Paul is not here addressing marriage. He is addressing the problem of syncretism, of attempting to synthesize Christianity with idolatry.” One of the great temptations faced by the Israelites... Continue Reading
Ten Things You Should Know About the Sovereignty of God
Does God have sovereignty over the will of man? Can he stir the heart of an unbeliever to do his will?
“God is also sovereign over the choices of human beings. If God does have sovereignty even over the choices of human beings, and they do evil things, is God morally culpable for their actions? No. This is the mystery of compatibilism, according to which both the sovereignty of God and the moral responsibility of human... Continue Reading
Natural Law and the Public Square
Christians should confidently reason from Scripture in all of life, including life in the public square
If by “natural law” we mean a moral order that is (a) revealed by God in nature, (b) stands behind conscience, (c) obligates all people to worship and obey Him, and (d) is sufficient to leave all without excuse and liable to divine judgment for sin, then I affirm it. However, one standard theistic account... Continue Reading
Searching for Truth
In this age of pluralism, atheism, and skepticism, many people are searching for truth and the answers to life’s ultimate questions.
As we do our good works before the watching world—not to be seen by men in order to get glory for ourselves, but so that the world might see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven—people will naturally ask us why we do all that we do, why we believe what we believe,... Continue Reading
4 Ways to Enjoy God
We cannot enjoy God apart from glorifying Him.
Paul leads us from rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God (v. 2) to joy that comes in tribulation (v. 3) to exulting in God Himself (v. 11; see Ps. 43:4). The unbeliever finds this incredible, because he has been blinded by the joy-depriving lie of Satan that to glorify God is the high... Continue Reading
What the Joseph Story Is Really About
Joseph’s story is the story of the whole Bible. It’s the story of glory through suffering, exaltation through humiliation. It’s the story of the cross and the crown.
Genesis 37–50 is not just about God’s providence; it’s also about his promises. God uses Joseph to turn back the effects of the curse and accomplish, in part, his promises to Abraham. He stacks the odds against himself and then demonstrates his power by using an imprisoned slave exiled by his own family. Moses gives Joseph... Continue Reading
Does Covenant Theology Change Our Doctrine Of Predestination?
All those who are in the visible church are external or outward members of the covenant of grace but only those who are elect become internal or inward members of the covenant of grace.
There are always within the visible covenant community (the visible church) two kinds of people: the elect and the reprobate. The latter may pretend to believe (e.g., Mark 7:6) but they are those, as Hebrews 6:4–5 says, who have been “once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy... Continue Reading
Double Black Diamonds: Navigating the Slopes
In theology, it does indeed seem to be the case there is a valid concern regarding a weak doctrine of Scripture as a plausible slippery slope.
“It is the unstoppable descent into liberalism and unbelief that begins when the authority of Scripture is compromised out of cultural accommodation. The slope is slippery because without the friction of an inerrant, divinely authoritative Bible, faithfully interpreted, there is nothing left to restrain the downward gravitational pull of the world’s demands.” In his... Continue Reading