There Is No Romper Room-MacGyver God
Though most agree that “everything happens for a reason” they balk at the idea that God ordains all things
The Bible does not present God as a heavenly MacGyver who is so big and powerful that he can take the junk and bad mistakes of our lives and make good things out of them; rather, he is the perfect God who designs and fulfills “all things according to the counsel of his will” (Ephesians... Continue Reading
Those Who Are Truly Forgiven, Truly Forgive
When we go to God weighed down with the debt of all our sin, He does not sit down with us to work out a payment plan. Instead, He offers full and free forgiveness.
There are still some things we owe to God, however — not out of debt, but out of gratitude — and one of those things is forgiveness. “Forgive us our debts,” Jesus taught us to pray, “as we forgive our debtors” (Matt. 6:12 nkjv). From this petition we learn that we are not the only ones... Continue Reading
Who Am I? Who Are You? The Power of Identity
Many are inclined to view themselves as a blight or blemish on the body of Christ, a useless, transient appendage that contributes little to the advancement of God’s kingdom.
Here is your current identity and ultimate destiny if you know Christ truly. It consists in having inscribed on your heart the name of God, of his city, and of his Son! There is, of course, as is the case with virtually all spiritual realities, a sense in which this is already true of us... Continue Reading
A very Lutheresque Psalm
The comments Luther made on Psalm 56 give some hints as to how it well expressed his own sentiments.
The background to David’s composition was one of extreme conflict as recorded in 1Samuel 21.10-15. Calvin in his commentary on the Psalms describes it as his being ‘caught between two packs of wolves’ – ‘the Philistines who hated him and the Jews who persecuted him.’ And, given the nature of the conflict in which Martin Luther... Continue Reading
Hope When Your Children Stray
But though nurtured in a spiritually and theologically solid environment, I ran from it—to spiritual darkness and sin—as fast as I could.
Not long after my conversion, people often asked me to reach out to their own children who were living prodigal lifestyles. I started to realize a few things as I brought the gospel to young adults strung out on pharmaceuticals, cocaine, acid, crack, meth, and MDMA. First, I realized how true my Calvinistic beliefs really were (unless the Lord—in... Continue Reading
A Happy Life At Home
This is an excerpt from a book I am writing on ministry.
Nothing can replace time spent with your wife and kids, and it is a rare pastor who can get through life without feeling guilty over the times he has missed with his immediate family. There is no way out of it, you and your family will sacrifice to be in the ministry, and you should. ... Continue Reading
Some Quick Reminders of what TULIP is NOT
While they are indeed very important truths, they do not eclipse the total system of doctrine as received in the Reformed Confessions.
It must also be made clear, in light of some popular unbiblical covenant theologies, that Unconditional Election does not equate to, mean, nor imply unconditional New Covenant membership. Though it is only upon Christ’s merits that we stand in the New (or even Old) Covenant, the Covenant itself is by no means unconditional. One must... Continue Reading
Prima Facie Evidence Against Intinction
In the institution of the Supper, however, there is no dipping of bread.
We have no authority to dip the bread in the wine as part of the administration of the Supper. We have authority to take, bless, give, and drink. The departure, in some NAPARC congregations, from the pattern instituted by our Lord in the Supper is indicative of a broader departure from the rule of worship... Continue Reading
Classic Theism: Is God Simple or Complex?
Does simplicity make any difference at all? It does indeed, and here are a few implications of this doctrine.
Simplicity safeguards our understanding of God. The Trinity is not three Gods (tritheism). Neither is God comprised of 1/3 Father, 1/3 Son, and 1/3 Holy Spirit (partialism). We confess One God in Three Persons. Simplicity is also the foundation of God’s independence and immutability. Complex beings are dependent on their parts and their maker, but... Continue Reading
The False Gospel of Nice
It’s not that we fail to talk about the cross or even sin; it’s that sin is presented as a problem primarily for how it messes up our lives and relationships and gets in the way of our goals.
Jesus, of course, does make a difference in the lives of believers; it’s just not the difference of a better life now in all the ways we might want. After all, what did Jesus say? “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). That... Continue Reading