Diagnosing & Mortifying the Sin of Complaining
Complaining is one of the most commonest and frequent sins that’s almost as easy to find and common as the air we breathe.
If complaining is the manifestation of heart-mumblings and frustrations at what is happening to me at a certain point, then contentment may be defined as a heart-rooted and solid satisfaction in God that does not shift with external circumstances. Jeremiah Burroughs once said: “Christian happiness, or contentment, is the exact opposite of a complaining spirit.”... Continue Reading
On Sin
In order to understand the world, it is essential to understand sin.
We must realize that a proper appreciation of one’s guilt before God is a gift. It is a gift that leads us to the truth, but without it we are lost. Those who do not look to God, but instead attempt to escape judgment, are likely to end up like Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Having killed his... Continue Reading
The Great Exchanges of Romans
The gospel of Romans can be summarized in one word: exchange
As I studied Romans, wrestling with some of its great truths, struggling with some of its tough passages (surely it is to them that 2 Peter 3:14–16 refers!), it became clear that countless feet had walked this way before. I had only just begun to join them in discovering the mind-renewing, life-changing power of what... Continue Reading
You’re Not God, So Get Some Rest Today
We rest because we image Him, but we also rest because we're not Him
“We are created in God’s image. Because of that, we are commanded to rest. God rested on the seventh day. He ceased from his labors and enjoyed the work of his hands. We are commanded to rest and to enjoy the work of our hands. So often we are going all the time and never... Continue Reading
All Roads Lead to Exclusion
Is it intolerant and bigoted to say some religions are wrong?
“By their statements, Sanders and Van Hollen are expressing their support for a modern understanding of tolerance. In this manner, being tolerant means you cannot make exclusive religious claims. It is hateful to Muslims to say they will not spend eternity with God because of their beliefs.” Is it intolerant and bigoted to say... Continue Reading
The Holiness of Christ
As soon as God manifests His transcendent majesty, men are reduced to terror.
We separate everyone into categories: safe, dangerous, nice, cantankerous, whatever. But we do not have a category for someone who can speak to the waves and cause them to obey Him. Such a One is in a class by Himself. This One is so alien, so other, that there is no compartment for Him. “Depart... Continue Reading
Self-Examination Speaks a Thousand Lies
Many of us tend to examine ourselves in a way that is excessive, inaccurate, and leads to discouragement.
God calls us to examine ourselves (2 Corinthians 13:5; Lamentations 3:40), but healthy self-examination is a difficult and dangerous duty. The flesh seizes self-examination as an opportunity to turn our thoughts against us. Introspection is deceptive because it often looks like we’re doing the right thing: we’re not indifferent to our sin — we want... Continue Reading
The Reformation and Work I
The Legacy of the Reformation
The new emphasis on the priesthood of all believers brought with it a new appreciation of the value of work. As was the case with science, Protestant contributions to this area were firmly anchored in the historic Christian tradition, though by the time of the Reformation, the clergy and elites had largely forgotten the positive... Continue Reading
Is a “Churchless Christian” an Oxymoron?
As Christians become members of the church, they are obeying God’s Word, submitting to her leaders, and serving one another in love.
Being a member of the church includes receiving the blessings God has provided for our growth and maturity, especially as we submit to the church’s leadership. God established the church with a structure for pastoral oversight and spiritual leadership. Like weak and defenseless sheep, members of the church are blessed to have the guidance and... Continue Reading
Thoughts on Psalm 68:11
The joyful tidings are to be sung and proclaimed and announced throughout the world, and the women ALSO are to make the proclamation!
I do not believe that this has any bearing on the New Testament offices of the church – pastors, elders, or deacons – and I know that there are those who disagree with me. But I DO think this has a great deal to do with the dignity, worth, and value of the women in... Continue Reading