God Still Uses Ordinary Means And Ordinary Men
Through the ordinary means of ordinary men, God used preachers.
Through the ordinary means of ordinary men, God used preachers. These preachers gave them a reason to live. They freed them up to live by giving them a kingdom bigger than their own. We shrink-wrap our world and vision to the size of our lives. God used the prophets to increase their kingdom view–from the... Continue Reading
Glorious Traitors
We are born into the world “in Adam,” that is, as glorious traitors
“Total depravity does not mean that we are as bad as we can possibly be. After all, even Gentiles sometimes follow the dictates of their conscience (Rom. 2:14–16). Rather, it means that just as God’s image encompasses our whole self, the bondage of sin does as well.” Secular humanism has no way of explaining... Continue Reading
How to Fight for Faith in the Dark
Depression usually causes a person to feel only gloom and despair, no matter what they’re thinking
When all you feel is gloom, it becomes very hard to have hope, no matter what you read in Scripture. As someone who labored under a lot of depression and anxiety throughout my life, I know that it usually doesn’t help a depressed person to say, “Just believe God’s word more!” I’ve often said... Continue Reading
We Need More ‘Parlour Preachers’
The 19th-century English pastor and author Charles Bridges writes in his book The Christian Ministry that we need more “parlour preaching”
“Some today have used the term Gospel Fluency to describe a similar work (see Jeff Vanderstelt’s Gospel Fluency). In short, ones who are fluent in the gospel have their mother tongue in the gospel. They see and hear the world through the gospel filter and demonstrate an ability to speak the gospel into the everyday... Continue Reading
TULIP and Reformed Theology: Irresistible Grace
God, and God alone, has the power to change the disposition of the soul and the human heart to bring us to faith.
If, indeed, we are dead in sins and trespasses, if, indeed, our wills are held captive by the lusts of our flesh and we need to be liberated from our flesh in order to be saved, then in the final analysis, salvation must be something that God does in us and for us, not something... Continue Reading
Why the Lord’s Prayer Is So Offensive
Anyone who thinks that isn’t offensive simply hasn’t been paying attention.
The Lord’s Prayer is not mild, inoffensive, vanilla, listless, nominal, wishy-washy, or wallpapery. If you don’t worship the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is deeply subversive, upsetting, and offensive—from the first phrase to the last. Several months ago there was a kerfuffle over an advertisement in which the Lord’s Prayer is prayed by... Continue Reading
Whatever You Do, Do It to the Glory of God
If we think that the God of Scripture has no relation to plastic or political elections, we err and rob God of his glory.
The Bible is sufficient for the purpose God gave it. It is concerned with our redemption. But it is not only concerned with our redemption. It is also concerned with God’s glory and our faith and life. Paul also tells us that what is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23). If we study the... Continue Reading
A High School Counselor’s Tips on Parenting Teenagers
Persevere in loving, praying, and trusting that God loves your children even more than you do.
Implement basic counseling principles into your parenting during these years. Ask lots of questions, but also study body language and mood (remember the raging hormones), and realize that sometimes simply your presence and listening ear are all that is required, while at other times you will find golden opportunities for conversation. I have had... Continue Reading
Preachers: God Will Make the Dents
Don’t get discouraged preacher, study-pray-and preach…God will make the dents.
This is where Jonathan Edwards is very helpful. When talking about his goal or objective in preaching he says this: “The main benefit that is obtained by preaching is by impression made upon the mind in the time of it, and not by the effect that arises afterwards by a remembrance of what was delivered….Preaching,... Continue Reading
Regularly Pray For Your Pastor
Do your pastor a true kindness today. Pray for your pastor.
In some ways, pastors are sustained by the prayers of their people. Obviously, God is the one who ultimately sustains pastors, but one of his primary means is through the prayers of pastors. When it comes to why you should pray for your pastor, take the words of Charles Spurgeon to heart: “No man can do... Continue Reading