That Dreadful Cup and Our Faithful Savior
We would be well-served to consider what was at the heart of the cross.
On the cross Jesus suffered and endured the full weight of God’s holy anger. He took the full weight of an eternal hell compressed and tamped down. Jesus proclaimed upon his last breath, “It is finished.” (John 19:31) What is finished? Among other things, he finished his work of satisfying the wrath of God. He... Continue Reading
God Loves Us Enough to Disappoint Us
What if God, in my season of waiting, is trying to show me that I am not powerful enough to do this on my own?
What I mean is, God often wants to give us something greater than we can see. He often wants to teach us through our trials, instead of making our life trial-free. He wants to bring us to the end of ourselves, so that we will stop trying to earn our righteousness. He wants to undo... Continue Reading
“Biased Facts,” Objective Reality, The Reformation, And The Resurrection
Objective reality can be hidden, distorted, and suppressed for a time but not for ever. The truth will out.
There was no doubt among the authorities and the soldiers as to the facts, as to what had happened. Jesus was raised from the dead, just as he had promised. The authorities had to lie about what had happened because it had happened. Had Jesus’ corpse been stolen it would have turned up. It is... Continue Reading
Are We Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing?
It’s time to tell the old, old story once again–the story of sin atoned for, wrath appeased, heaven secured, and death conquered. No gimmicks, no trinkets, no goofy skits and video clips.
Holy Week is a check-up for the Church. To use a tag line that’s already overused, if your core message for this week is something other than “Christ died for our sins,” you’re doing Christianity wrong. If you want to preach about gender equality or social justice or progressive dispensationalism or the extra Calvinisticum, do... Continue Reading
Grace That Is Greater Than All Our Sin
As believers we have all the forgiveness we will ever need.
God’s grace is greater than all our sin: His grace does not encourage us to sin. His grace does not excuse our sin. His grace educates our minds and hearts in regards to that which our Heavenly Father hates and that which he deems to be good, wise, and pleasing. God’s grace does excite our hearts and gives us a holy passion to glorify and... Continue Reading
Anxiety: My Thorn In My Flesh
The struggle with anxiety is something that many, many people have in common.
You are not a bad Christian because you struggle with anxiety and/or depression. Many strong believers have struggled before: Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, John Calvin, to name a few. While we shouldn’t ignore our feelings and intuition, we need to remember that our anxious feelings lie to us. You are not a weak person because... Continue Reading
How to Mortify Sin
Sinful desires and habits are not only to be rejected, but exchanged for Christ-like graces and actions.
But notice that Paul sets this in a very important, broader context. The negative 0task of putting sin to death will not be accomplished in isolation from the positive call of the Gospel to “put on” the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 13:14). Paul spells this out in Colossians 3:12-17. Sweeping the house clean simply leaves us open... Continue Reading
What Is True Conversion?
In the biblical sense, conversion means a turning—a spiritual turning away from sin in repentance and to Christ in faith.
The whole purpose of conversion is to bring men and women into a right relationship with God. This is why Christ came, and it is the reason for which He died. It was God who was “in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself ” (2 Cor. 5:19). Conversion is the crying need of the soul.... Continue Reading
A Contra-view on Kevin DeYoung’s View of Persecution
Another perspective on the nature of and reasons for persecution.
Most Christians I know today in America have never experienced biblical persecution. They may have to endure disagreement with unbelievers, but that is not biblical persecution. Most Christians I know live in nice houses, drive nice cars, have good jobs, and take annual vacations. We all have it pretty good. Pastor Kevin DeYoung represents... Continue Reading
Praying Together
Brothers and sisters, like all the saints before us, we must be praying people
“We must be praying people, first, because we know that our only help is in the name of the Lord. It is the Lord who builds the house and watches over the city—who gives success to the church’s mission and spiritual life to its worship. In prayer together, we admit that we are helpless.” ... Continue Reading