Thinking Biblically about Authority: An Interview with David Wells
So many people there is nothing out there that can legitimately validate any action or belief
“As we have come into our postmodern moment, then, we find that there is no longer a narrative to life; there are only our personal stories. There is no overarching meaning to it; there are just our private moments when something becomes real. There is no Truth; there are only truths.” 1) If someone... Continue Reading
Saved by ‘Allegiance’ Alone? On a New Attempt to Revise the Reformation
In this new book, Bates considers afresh the nature of salvation and the gospel
As Bates argues, the gospel can’t be reduced to the formula “Jesus died for our sins,” since the gospel centers on the truth that Jesus is King. He’s the resurrected and enthroned Lord over all, and we’re called to express our allegiance to him as our Lord. According to Bates, there are eight elements to the... Continue Reading
Spring Storms: Are You Ready?
Emergency preparedness experts ready us physically, but is your soul ready for them too? T
Notice the echoes of Psalm 29 at Pentecost. The mighty rushing wind and the fire that fell from heaven did not bring terror, but they led to boldness that only comes through the Holy Spirit. Thunderstorms in creation terrify the natural man, but for the Christian, every clap of thunder heard overhead ought to make... Continue Reading
Comfort Without the Clichés
Eight ways to help hurting friends
You cannot fix it. Loving the hurting opens us up to the temptation to see ourselves as the sufferer’s personal savior. But they do not need you—they need Christ. Comfort is about redirecting someone to seek what they need in Christ first and not in you. Comfort is not about always being there for someone;... Continue Reading
What Does Semper Reformanda Mean?
The part of religion that always needs reforming is the human heart.
The phrase ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda (the church reformed, always reforming) has been used so often as to make it a motto or slogan. People have used it to support a surprising array of theological and ecclesiastical programs and purposes. Scholars have traced its origins to a devotional book written by Jodocus van Lodenstein in... Continue Reading
Prayer Changes Things: Right? Or Does It?
My good God rules, controls, and ordains all things for my good and his glory. God invites me to pray to him and promises to respond to my prayers.
Our prayers don’t alter God’s sovereign plan. It’s not like we pray and God says, “Woah, hey now! Didn’t expect that one. Okay, gotta change things quickly. Time to shift things around. Let’s see, I’ll put this here and this here and…” God isn’t the ultimate project manager, trying to juggle the lives of 7... Continue Reading
Long-suffering Love
When I find it hard to love with long-suffering, I must remember Christ and his long-suffering love toward me.
This nuance or deeper meaning to “Love is patient” makes me look at the love I have for others in a new way. It’s easy to love those who treat me well, but those who don’t? That’s hard. It’s hard to love those who let me down time and time again. Those who disappoint me... Continue Reading
Why I Love the Psalms
Throughout history, the book of Psalms has been treasured by many Christians in many places.
In the ancient and medieval periods, the Psalms were studied and sung very frequently, especially by monastics. The great Athanasius (296–373) said, “I believe that a man can find nothing more glorious than these Psalms; for they embrace the whole life of man, the affections of his mind, and the motions of his soul. To... Continue Reading
9 Ways the New Covenant is better than the Old
It is easy for believers to lose sight of how privileged we are to participate in the New Covenant.
In the New Covenant we have confidence to draw near to Christ in service of his people. In the Old Covenant, the qualifications for ministry in the temple were largely external, and consisted of various washings and sacrifices—shadows, really. In the New Covenant, the qualifications for spiritual service are raised. While you would think this... Continue Reading
Living Under Authority
It’s all too easy for us to get caught up in an attitude that will bring us into open defiance of the authority of God.
The world has gone crazy in lawlessness, but we’re to be different. Wherever we find ourselves under authority—and we all find ourselves submitting to various authorities—we’re to submit to that authority. Nobody in this world is autonomous. Every one of us has not just one boss, but several bosses. Everyone I know, including me, is... Continue Reading