So how can we tweet about theology in a responsible way? Get off Twitter. No, really.
Remembering that anyone might read and misunderstand what we’ve written, we need to be as clear as possible. Our speech should be open and honest. We should not give anyone cause to doubt our words or cause to question our orthodoxy. While it’s true that anything has the potential to be misunderstood and that no one can prevent that from happening all the time, our goal should be clarity.
How Jesus Called Out False Teachers and Deadly Doctrine
When we respond to error by giving it the benefit of the doubt, we come close to committing the same error as false teachers: masking error as the truth.
It’s a good time to be a false teacher and to espouse deadly doctrine. And it will continue to be unless God’s people embrace their responsibility to defend the faith and protect the vulnerable. Jesus has left us with both the mandate and the model. Jesus shows that while polemics gains few friends (after all, it was the ones he rebuked who put him to death and the ones he warned who deserted him), it honors God and saves listeners from falling into the snare of deadly doctrine.
Did the Gospel Authors Think They Were Writing Scripture?
To explore this further, let us just consider just one of our gospels, namely the Gospel of Matthew.
If by the first century Chronicles was regarded as the final book in the Hebrew canon,as some scholars have argued,then Matthew’s gospel would certainly be a fitting sequel. An Old Testament canon ending with Chronicles would have placed Israel in an eschatological posture, looking ahead to the time when the messiah, the son of David, will come to Jerusalem and bring full deliverance to his people.
Scripture, Sufficient for What?
Scripture provides for what general revelation lacked after man's fall - a way of salvation
The sufficiency of Scripture rests in the fact that it alone can provide man with the knowledge needed to be reconciled to God. The Westminster Confession of Faith puts it this way, “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down... Continue Reading
God’s Grace Has a Timing of His Own
He has not forgotten you. Remember that.
We have to remember that God’s timing is not our timing, that his timing is perfect. That when he says “No” to something or “Wait”, he has reasons based in his love for us, even if we don’t understand them. But God remembered Noah and all the beasts and all the livestock that were... Continue Reading
5 Reasons I’m A Calvinist
I want to explain why I’m a Calvinist, why it brings me great joy, and why I think it’s profoundly biblical.
You know what scares the heck out of me? The thought of falling away from Jesus. Of going apostate. To use the old summer camp language, of backsliding. Why is this so scary? Because I know myself! I know how easily I can get sucked into sin. I’ve seen solid Christians completely wreck themselves upon the rocky shores of wickedness. It’s a terrible, frightening thing to behold. You know that line from “Come Thou Fount” about being “prone to wander”? That’s me! This is where the doctrines of grace give me great comfort.
Confessions of a People Pleaser
When we turn our thoughts and actions from pleasing others to pleasing Christ, only then will we find contentment, peace, and freedom
When people-pleasing replaces God-pleasing, fear of failure is at the root. People are driven by the need for approval and desire to become successful, not only to avoid being rejected, but for self-approval. Once again, we are focusing on something other than Christ, which is idolatry; we are engaging in people-centered worship and self-centered worship. Many people-pleasers believe this kind of behavior is commendable because it involves serving others, but it isn’t—it’s motivated by approval and the assurance that we are a success.
Complementarity Without Subordination
So what does complementarity and male headship look like without the pollution of the ESS analogy?
In Ephesians 5, the wife is called to submit to her husband “as to the Lord”. As in the above, men do not possess authority due to their person, and wives do not owe submission to husbands because they are male. Rather, like all commands to Christians, the requirement for self-sacrificial love on the part of the husband and submission as to Christ on the part of the wife are alike calls to regenerate Christians to live righteously before the Lord—not primarily before each other. The call of the wife to submit to her husband is not a call to the husband to require this submission of his wife, nor extract it by virtue of his superiority, by manipulation, sanctions, or even allurements. This is because her call is to submit as to Christ; that is, her submission is part of her Christian walk before the Lord and is not owed to her husband by virtue of his or her subsistence. The husband is not endowed with such inherent authority.
Yes, You Can Please Your Heavenly Father
Sometimes Christians can give the impression that pleasing God is a sub-biblical motivation.
Some of us have taken justification to mean we no longer have a dynamic relationship with our heavenly Father, as if God is indifferent to our sin and our obedience. But Scripture says we can grieve the Holy Spirit, and in Hebrews 12 we see that a father disciplines those he loves. God is not pleased when we sin. Or, as John Calvin puts it, God can be “wondrously angry with his children.” This doesn’t mean God is ever against us as his justified people. He is always for us. But just as a parent can be upset with a child, so God can consider our actions grievous and discipline us accordingly.
Does The Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed Require Baptismal Regeneration?
Is new life necessarily conferred at the moment of administration?
As a holy sacrament, baptism is a wonderful thing. It God’s gift to the church but it has never worked ex opere (by the working). It works as a sign and seal and it becomes a seal when the Spirit grants new life and true faith. It works as a symbolic representation, as a sacred ritual but however many people in the 4th century and after who came to believe that baptism necessarily confers what it signifies, the Creed no more requires us to think that than does Scripture itself.