How I Gleaned Hope From the Darkest Psalm
Psalm 88 isn’t a feel-good, everything-will-be-all-right kind of psalm
“Like hymns today, the psalms were used in worship—yes, even Psalm 88. That this song was proclaimed by God’s people speaks volumes. It also offers hope, since it’s clear God doesn’t expect us to cover up what’s really going on. We can approach our Father in raw honesty. We don’t have to pretend everything’s okay. We don’t have to hide... Continue Reading
Gethsemane and the Mystery of the Gospel
The book of Hebrews alludes to the events in the garden in at least two places
“So, as Jesus not only urges the disciples to pray that they would not enter into temptation – ‘stumble in the conflict’ – he also prays with eyes wide open to that looming conflict that he himself would not stumble. And such is the intensity of his struggle in prayer, that the Father provides him... Continue Reading
What is required in order for us to become teachable?
Teachability demands humility. Only a humble soul will become a teachable soul. A great deal of true humility is needed for a man or woman to admit that he or she does not know all that he or she should know. There is a false humility that seeks to make indecisiveness a virtue. The teachability of a humble soul does not manifest itself in an intellectual agnosticism. A truly humble man or woman will have thoughtful formed opinions and strong convictions.
Four Reasons Rest is a Good Thing
God created us, and we should steward the gift of our bodies and health well
Rest reminds us of our rest in Christ: Yet because the Fall did happen, sin has saturated our work. It weakens our bodies with illness and fatigue. We are born sinners and need not only physical rest for our bodies; we need spiritual rest as well. When we take the time to rest, we are reminded of Christ’s work for us on the cross. His perfect work on our behalf has been given to us. Rather than striving to do what we cannot do—obey the law—we now find our rest in Christ and in his work for us. “For we who have believed enter that rest” (Hebrews 4:3). Christ has purchased for us spiritual rest.
WCF 19: Of the Law of God
Some Christians ask, “If I am saved by grace, then what does the Law of God have to do with me?”
As Christians, we should remember two things concerning the moral law (or ten commandments). If we remember these two things, we will be able to avoid much confusion in the Christian life. First, no one is able to be justified in God’s sight by the works of the law; through the law comes the knowledge of our own sin (Romans 3:20) and our need for Christ and His righteousness (Romans 8:3-4). Second, if we have come to love Jesus, we will keep His commandments (John 14:15); those who have been born of God keep His commandments (1 John 5:2-3).
There Will Always Be Racism And Justice Ain’t Coming No Time Soon
We must try! While we wait For Love's and Justice's foray A Rider called Faithful and True Will judge with justice and make war, Where righteousness will have its day.
There Will Always Be Racism And Justice ain’t coming no time soon. Demand it all you want Someone out there won’t get the memo. Racism’s perverted, constructed monstrosity, Humanity’s Frankenstein Social construction, Will work it’s lips to call you a name As you walk by a window. It will drive up behind you Follow you... Continue Reading
Does Definite Atonement Undermine Our Zeal for Evangelism?
If Christ died only for the elect, can we sincerely offer the gospel to everyone?
“The gospel is not, ‘believe that Christ died for everybody’s sins, and therefore for yours,’ any more than it is, ‘believe that Christ died only for certain people’s sins, and so perhaps not for yours.’ The gospel is, ‘believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for sins, and now offers you Himself as your... Continue Reading
The Five Tests of False Doctrine
How can we distinguish teachers of truth from teachers of error?
Sound doctrine originates with God, is recorded in the Word of God, is consistent with the whole revelation of God, and leads to both spiritual health and godly living. False doctrine originates with men or demons, is foreign to the Word of God, is inconsistent with the whole revelation of God, and leads to spiritual weakness and ungodly living. It must pass all of the tests in order to be sound. If it fails one, it fails all of them.
Worshiping the God of Justice
We cannot seek the kingdom of God without also seeking its justice/righteousness.
Sure, we usually do this selectively. Liberals and progressives, conservatives and traditionalists each have their own favorite sins that they like to denounce, while ignoring those that seem to painful to confront. In the meantime, adultery and complicity in oppression are far too prevalent among us, as we live our comfortable, non-confrontational lives. We are so used to slander and deceit – or even practicing it ourselves – that we stand by as it crashes like a wave through the highest places of the land. We would rather be secure in our salvation, and possess power in the land, than be known as those who stand and suffer with the God of justice.
What Came First? The Desire to Sin or the Opportunity?
From what I’ve seen and heard of fallen pastors it’s almost always the desire to sin that comes first.
The critical lesson is that if we crucify the desire, God will almost always shield us from the opportunity. And even if God may permit the devil to throw a spark of opportunity our way, there’s nothing in the heart that will easily catch fire. However, if we entertain and enjoy the desire to sin, God may permit the opportunity to sin to coincide.