Marriage: A Means to Holiness or to Happiness?
To say that “marriage is designed to make us holy” shifts the focus from Jesus and onto our relationships with one another.
When God created Adam, he made an interesting observation: The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable* for him.” (Genesis 2:18.) Bringing Eve into the picture, then, was a response to the solitude of Adam, not his unholiness. Again, how could it be about making Adam holy before sin had entered the world (see Genesis 3). The answer, as shown above, is that marriage was not designed for holiness. It was designed for companionship.
Jesus Loves the Rich
The Christ who came into the world to redeem His people from their sin, indiscriminately pursued both rich and poor
“The Jesus of Scripture never showed partiality to the poor as over agains the rich. The Jesus of Scripture came into the world to redeem rich and poor. A brief survey of the Gospel record teaches us this important lesson–a lesson that we so desperately need to learn if we are to be faithful witnesses to the... Continue Reading
No Little Women: Know What We’ve Got Before She’s Gone
Indeed, woman has a God-given way about her that is self-evident
“It is abnormal for men, as effeminate as many are today, to actually be feminine, and frankly, impossible. What woman has inside her can only be cheaply imitated by a man to another man. She alone can shine as female from within. Only Hannah can cry and sing over motherhood. Only Abigail can slow down... Continue Reading
They Devoted Themselves to Prayer
They devoted themselves to prayer because they had devoted themselves to the Lord Jesus
“Prayer continued to mark apostolic ministry. Burdened with administering relief for widows, the apostles declared they must not leave the ministry of the word and prayer to serve tables. They asked the church to choose seven men. They appointed them to lead this mercy ministry and ordained them in prayer.” From the Mount of Olives,... Continue Reading
What Is Sound Doctrine?
Doctrine is teaching from God about God that directs us to the glory of God.
Christian doctrine has a twofold object. The primary object of doctrine is God; the secondary object is all things in relation to God. Doctrine teaches us to see God as the one from whom and through whom and to whom all things exist, and doctrine directs our lives to this God’s glory (Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6).... Continue Reading
Did God Ordain Evil?
How can a good and holy God allow evil to exist in the world that He created?
On Judgment Day, we will see clearly what we so struggle to see in the here and now. Augustine once put it so well when he said that there was just enough mercy in the world for us to know that God is merciful and just enough justice to know that God is just. On the... Continue Reading
Another Golden Oldie on 2K
Affirmations and denials on Two Kingdom theology
Affirmation: God has established a pluriformity of institutions (e.g. civil society) for the sake of social order. Denial: the church has no calling to establish social order but will have an indirect influence on peace and order by encouraging godliness in her members. Thanks to Zrim, I remembered another internet intervention about 2k. This... Continue Reading
The Importance of Theology
“Systematic theology” is a label with admittedly clinical connotations
“Systematic theology thus contemplates the body of biblical teaching as a living organism, offering loving attention to its various members and tracing their organic relations to each another. Ultimately, systematic theology helps us better understand God and all things in relation to God.” “Systematic theology” is a label with admittedly clinical connotations. It conjures... Continue Reading
When You’re Not On the Same Page, But In The Same Book
The turn of politics in the West clearly shows that that Christians who aren’t on the same page politically better recognize they’re in the same book
“If the church is to be any sort of counter-cultural movement, if it is to have any effective witness to a watching, suspicious world, it better be able to model what it means to love someone who vehemently disagrees with you on a whole range of cultural and political matters.” I entreat Euodia and... Continue Reading
Creation Calls For Wonder
Creation calls, first and foremost, for a posture of wonder, not war
And ponder, at some point today, God’s work of creation. Let the reality of that work fill you with wonder. Let it inform your understanding of the world in which you live. “Live your life filled with joy and wonder.” “The work of creation is, God’s making all things of nothing, by the word... Continue Reading