When They Walk Away
Jesus pursued the rich, young ruler… only to let him walk away
“This man had approached Jesus asking how he might obtain eternal life. When Jesus pressed the demands of God’s Law on this man, in order to show him his sinfulness and need for redemption, the man went away sorrowful because he was unwilling to part with his possessions. Jesus didn’t run after him.” I recently... Continue Reading
What Do We Mean When We Speak of the “Sanctity of Human Life”?
In biblical terms, the sanctity of human life is rooted and grounded in creation
“The words of Jesus have vital significance for our understanding of the sanctity of life. Here Jesus broadened the implications of the Old Testament law. He was speaking to religious leaders who had a narrow and simplistic grasp of the Ten Commandments.” In biblical terms, the sanctity of human life is rooted and grounded... Continue Reading
Preaching the Funeral of an Unbeliever
Preaching at a funeral is an opportunity to exalt Jesus Christ
“Whatever else you might say at the funeral of an unbeliever, do not leave out the Person and saving work of Jesus Christ. Preach the precious truths about the incarnation, the active obedience of Jesus, the passive obedience of Jesus, the atoning death of Jesus, the wrath propitiation of Jesus, the resurrection of Jesus and... Continue Reading
Saying Farewell to the ESV
For our family, we've decided to switch to the New American Standard (NASB). We have four main reasons for doing so.
After a flurry of articles and blog posts, Crossway announced that the 2016 ESV text would not be permanent. While many were relieved to read this, some of us noted that nothing was said about the controversial change to Genesis 3:16 and 4:7. Would that be changed? To date, nothing has been said regarding changing these passages back. I know that published text takes time to be changed. As such, I expected that the ESV Bibles published last year would reflect the “contrary to” translation. And they do. This includes the big six-volume ESV Reader’s Bible.
Keeping Your Assurance
If you’re assured of your salvation in Christ; if you know you’re a child of God by grace, how can you stay strong in that assurance and knowledge?
"Keep close to God in the duty of reading the Word often. By often reading the Word, you will often meet with promises and supports for your comforts. That is the reason men lessen in comforts, because they do not frequently read the Word; you cannot read a Chapter, but you will find there a prop for faith, and a prop for assurance. Keeping constant to the Word, that is the way to keep your assurance. “These things have I written to you that believe, that you might know that you have eternal life” (1 John 5:13)."
Don’t Worry Be Godly – Pt 2
Let’s continue to unpack the four aspects of God’s command to avoid anxiety:
Remember from last week that anxiety is the unproductive concern about something you can’t do anything about and that might not happen. So, if you can do something, then do it. That’s not anxiety, that’s acting on information. But if you can’t do anything about it and don’t know the future, then you must channel your fretting and worry into prayer because God does know the future and can do something.
What is the Gospel?
The Law shows us how to perform for God, but the Gospel shows us how God performs for us.
Scripture does not offer us options. The Bible makes the choice for us, and it chooses to present the negative before the positive. The Bible declares bad news before declaring good news. It first presents the holy, wise, beneficial and condemning Law, then it publishes the “good tidings of great joy” or the Gospel. LAW OR GOSPEL... Continue Reading
The Origin and Function of Government Under God
Being a Christian makes me hesitate before I live in active disobedience to those whom God has put in authority over me.
If you don’t like the president of the United States, remember that the One who cast the deciding ballot in his election was almighty God. Of course, God doesn’t sanction or endorse everything that the president does; neither is it the case that God turns the authority over to the president and says, “Go... Continue Reading
Why Talking With Atheists Isn’t as Scary as You Think
Here are five confidence-inducing reasons why you don’t need to fear to share the Gospel with an atheist.
It is not through the eloquence of our words, or through how well we present the evidence for the existence of God, but rather it is through the Holy Spirit doing the work of regeneration in the heart of man. Second, Paul encourages us to be kind, able to teach and gentle, while avoiding being quarrelsome and resentful while talking. This will come easily when we recognize the fact that they are captive to the devil and that we are powerless to help them escape. It is simply not up to us or even them, it is only up to the mercy of God, so, it is silly to be anything but kind and gentle.
Keeping Short Accounts
What do short accounts look like in the Christian life? Here are a few thoughts.
Part of keeping short accounts with others is going to them when you believe that they have sinned against you. Jesus taught us to do so when he said, "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother" (Matt. 18:15). It is just as much our responsibility to humbly and forthrightly address what we believe to be the spiritual debt of others to us as it is for them to come to us and confess their sin. This has got to be one of the least practiced, yet most important, parts of the Christian life.