Child Mortality & Divine Grace
In 1800, the year after Washington died, global young child mortality was over 40%. Today it’s about 4%.
Often someone will complain cluelessly that our present times are the worst. But in fact, even in today’s troubled world, we are living in the best times, the most privileged and blessed times. How many are aware and grateful? That millions and millions of young children who once routinely died now unexceptionally survive and thrive around the world should be cause for endless thanks, right?
When Your Depressed Friend Twists God’s Word
What do you do when the words you mean to be life giving end up being soul-crunching?
Ministry success isn’t defined by the number of hands we heal but the hands we hold. Healing belongs to the Lord. Holding on is our sacred duty as fellow sojourners. We need more pastors like John Newton. Pastors that aren’t discouraged because their “projects” fail. But pastors that ache because their friends hurt. Pastors that stay and preach, and plod, and proclaim the excellencies of Christ even when it seems that we are only holding a symphony for the deaf.
The Wrong Advent
The Jesus whose arrival we ‘remember’ at Christmas is coming back.
This will be no ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild’—where did he go? Oh, he came before, and offered forgiveness and peace, and hope. He laid down his life, bearing all the judgment rebels deserved. He welcomed rebels to come, giving lots of time and opportunity. But time has run out. Now he has come to Judge the earth. He offered to bear your judgment, but if you rejected his offer, you’ve missed your chance. Now only judgment awaits.
It’s Okay to Feel Sorrow During Christmas
The incarnation isn’t a celebration for happy people; it’s hope for those who wish things were different.
Yet, we often believe that we are the only one who struggles. We conjure up images of picturesque families celebrating their perfect lives. The problem is that such families simply don’t exist. There are no perfect people celebrating their perfect lives this Christmas. Everyone wishes things were different. And, the more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that this is actually the point of Christmas.
Perseverance of the Saints: The Persevering God
When struggling with sin, believers fear that they are falling away, that they will “lose their salvation”, that they will not “persevere”.
If you are in Christ, God has made a covenant with you by sacrifice,[7] the sacrifice of His beloved son, Jesus Christ. In Christ God has supremely demonstrated His Hesed and Hemet. This Hesed and Hemet are simply expressions of who He is, His very nature or being. So, when you sin dear believer, run to Christ! Confess your sins, He is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.[8] You can take this to the bank, Hesed is His very nature. Therefore, you will persevere because God will persevere in you.
The Incarnation: Immense, Yet Simple
Paganism worships this immense universe as divine. But the Bible presents the overwhelming, sovereign being of God, as above and as maker of the heavens.
The Gospel is a message of disarming simplicity. Unlike paganism, which is forever impersonal, the true God of such cosmic immensity is also the personal God of the divine Trinity who reaches down to reveal himself in the form of a man, born as a baby in a stable in Bethlehem. Standing in the... Continue Reading
10 Things You Should Know about Christmas
Jesus became weak, humbled himself on a cross, and died for our sin (Phil. 2:5–8). That—not gaudy commercialism—is what Christmas is all about.
Herod tried to kill Jesus (Matt. 2:16). There was no place for Jesus in the inn (Luke 2:7). Even though the world was made through Jesus, the world didn’t recognize him (John 1:11). Many didn’t welcome the birth of the Christ child. The reason for this was primarily that Jesus threatened people’s self-interest. Sinful people... Continue Reading
Why Didn’t God Send Jesus Right After Adam and Eve Sinned?
Why did God wait all that time between Adam and Eve and the cross?
It’s an amazing and wonderful thing to realize that God devised His plan, created us, and is perfectly executing the plan, so that we could enjoy Him. He was infinitely satisfied within Himself, the Godhead, before creation. He didn’t create for Himself; rather, at His pleasure He created for us. Just to have lived is... Continue Reading
The Value of Scripture
The value of Scripture in the life of the believer lies in its source and its function.
When Paul wrote that Scripture is God-breathed, the idea was not one of inspiration but of expiration; that is, the Bible was breathed out by God. The whole point here is that the Bible comes from God. It is His Word and carries with it His authority. Paul wanted Timothy to understand the source of... Continue Reading
Forgiveness’s Dirty Little Secret
The concept of cleansing captures the experience of forgiveness in purification from the defilement of sin and stain of guilt.
It is in this sense that when we confess our sin, we do not receive forgiveness so much as we realize it. Jesus paid it all; all to Him we owe. From that realization, the wonder of grace dawns anew in our hearts. We are humbled before such amazing love. And, purposing to new obedience, we beseech our God... Continue Reading