The Paradox of Repentance
Rejecting the heresies of the modern age.
Life, Isaiah says, is not found in vain self-exaltation. It isn’t found through subjecting the world to our arbitrary whims. It isn’t found by blotting out every remembrance of our fallenness or seeking to indulge every craven lust. Rather, life is found through acknowledging the crushing weight of our rebellion against God and turning to... Continue Reading
Leap Day: How Clocks and Calendars Shape Us
Thinking about our relationship to time from a Judeo-Christian understanding.
Both the calendar and the development of mechanical clocks are rooted in the Church’s recognition of the need to see the world as sacred. Like the Sabbath and the feast of ancient Israel, time and seasons remind us that our lives are not ultimately our own and are instead part of the larger story of... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s Best Friend: A Good Catechism
We Need to Affirm Sound Doctrine
A Catechism for Christian Growth is specifically designed to fit into a variety of settings in the Christian life. It helps parents shepherd their children, new converts understand the fundamentals of the faith, and entire congregations learn sound doctrine like catechisms have for centuries. It is a succinct yet systematic scaffolding upon which Christians can fortify... Continue Reading
A Life of Listening, the Voice of One
Be a listener, one who pays attention to the God who speaks.
As we listen deeply and faithfully to Christ the Living Word, as his words in Scripture and his Spirit indwell our brains and imaginations, we may discern his voice through ten thousand voices, and heeding, become the persons we were created to be and long to be. Not long ago I took our daughter... Continue Reading
Why the God-Man?
God satisfied the demands of His righteousness by giving to us a Substitute who stands in our place, offering that satisfaction for us.
God’s grace is illustrated by the satisfaction of His justice in that it is done for us by the One whom He has appointed. It is God’s nature as the Judge of all the world to do what is right. And the Judge who does what is right never, ever violates the canons of His... Continue Reading
Evangelical Maturity
Be not Blown about by Every Fad
One reason Christians today are losing the cultural battle is that they are fighting on yesterday’s front. Athanasius was fighting for Christology. Luther fought for soteriology. The fight today is over anthropology. Yes, all truth everywhere matters, but the battle today rages over what is a human. This issue has implications for sexuality, natural law,... Continue Reading
The Biggest Problem in Worship Education
Invest in Worship Ministries, not just Worship Services
Remember the next generation of worship leaders. Of course, it is urgent to be concerned with what is happening on your platform this Sunday, but what seeds are being planted by your church in the children’s and youth ministry that will be harvested in the future? Public education is abandoning music. The children in your... Continue Reading
Burying the Talents of the Great Rewarder
His commendation awaits. I must not bury his talents, but invest and risk them.
What was the servant doing all those years when the other servants were busy trading for the increase of their master’s wealth? Presumably, looking out for his own wealth. And why? Because he did not believe that it would be worth it to risk spending all those years and all that sweat, only to have his... Continue Reading
Little by Little – Progressive Sanctification
Thank God for his patience with us.
Our Lord is very forbearing with us, not exposing us to all of our sin, selfishness and fleshliness in one go. Yes, the beginning to the Christian life involves a conviction of sin, and repentance and faith in Christ as we seek to turn from that sin. But it will take a lifetime to keep... Continue Reading
Warfield on the Religious Life of Seminary Students
Excerpts of B. B. Warfield’s tract published in 1911.
The importance of the intellectual preparation of the student for the ministry is the reason of the existence of our Theological Seminaries. Say what you will, do what you will, the ministry is a “learned profession”; and the man without learning, no matter with what other gifts he may be endowed, is unfit for its... Continue Reading
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