A God Thing
All life experiences are “God things”
When we define only our happy experiences as “God things,” we miss the hand of God and convey a shallow and incomplete message about him to others. When we thank him only in blessing and not in hardship, we fail to praise the God who does all things well and sustains us in the wilderness for... Continue Reading
So What Are You First, Christian, or Something Else?
If you are going to call me something I suggest you call me a Christian first.
If you are going to call me something I suggest you call me a Christian first, and I am commanded by Paul here to let the life of Jesus be all over me in the way I act and treat others so the title of “Christian” would have validity. I am not hiding my ethnicity,... Continue Reading
Tender Mercies And Their Effect
Paul’s purpose in teaching was that his heaters may learn to sacrificially live.
Then, as doctrinally instructed ambassadors of the King and his Gospel, we ought always be willing to sacrifice popularity and comfort by being faithful, loving evangelists. To sum it up, as we become intoxicated with the “mercies of God,” we should find ourselves self-worshiping less and panting to look and live more like Jesus —... Continue Reading
They Don’t Know With Whom They Are Dealing or How
It would seem obvious, but nonetheless it must be stated, all human knowledge is theological.
In the Christian view of human knowledge, subjectivity and objectivity are not irreconcilably opposed to each other. God created we who know. God created how we know. God created what we know, yet ultimately what we know is the uncreated Triune God. It would seem obvious, but nonetheless it must be stated—all human knowledge... Continue Reading
Unconditional Election: The Glory of Electing Grace
The doctrine of election should be a most humbling doctrine
I have no reason to stand before God except for the grace of God. There is no basis in myself as to why I should experience that grace. Even my response to God in faith is something He worked in me. As Ephesians 1 reminds us, the working of God in redemption, especially in election... Continue Reading
What Did Jesus Mean When He Said “Not an Iota, Not a Dot, Will Pass from the Law Until All Is Accomplished”?
Through His obedience, Jesus releases us from the burden of trying to earn our salvation
“This does not mean Christians should have no concern to follow God’s law. Christ frees us to obey it. Jesus’ disciples are called to a genuine love of God and neighbor (22:37–40; see 7:21). This is a lofty calling, but Jesus Himself embodied it throughout His life.” Matthew 5:17–18 is a key text for... Continue Reading
Secret Contentment
Life for everyone — David, Jesus, Paul, you and me — is like a roller coaster
“Jesus Christ also experienced the best of days and worst of days. Great joy was found as he grew in wisdom, statutory, favor with God and man. He was thrilled as disciples were found, made, and matured. Yet, he suffered much and was afflicted; he endured much physical, mental, relational, financial, professional, political, and ecclesistical sorrows.”... Continue Reading
Grace Under Fire: The Purpose of Fiery Trials, pt 2
Three results fiery trials have on our faith
Fake faith was revealed when persecution arose. It’s like a fake Rolex – it looks real until you apply the slightest amount of scrutiny…if you rub a little too hard the gold comes off. If it gets in water, it rusts. Many people are like that – as soon as their faith comes under the... Continue Reading
What the Wayward Wants
Why is it important to know what the wayward wants? Because “to reach the prodigal, you must first crawl into the story of the prodigal.”
The wayward wants autonomy without accountability. Wayward people want autonomy without the rule of love. They want to live in an irrational immaturity that allows them to indulge in sin without any responsibility. “For prodigals, maturity means indulging in freedoms, not accepting responsibility. The freedom they want is entirely on their terms. They expect money,... Continue Reading
The Almighty And Ever Present Power Of God
The definition of providence in the Catechism is stunning. “All things,” yes all things, “come to us not by chance but from his fatherly hand.”
Whatever of your hopes or fears come true, God will never be untrue to those who love him and have been called according to his purpose. He will always lead his people, always listen to the brokenhearted, and always love his children. God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform. If we can’t... Continue Reading