Restricting Women to the “Pink Passages”
Responding to the claim that no woman should teach, not even other women
Pastors should be encouraged to preach sound doctrine. Husbands should be encouraged to study the Word with their wives. But, we should be careful not to set up extrabiblical hedges. In our defense of qualified men as ordained leaders and husbands as spiritual leaders in the home, we should not restrict women to the “pink... Continue Reading
Four Key Principles of Repentence
We hate sin, we confess sin, we kill sin. Here are some principles we’ve learned about repenting of sin.
We need to confess before God but also before anyone we have offended. Of course we need to confess our sins before God, and when we do this we honor his rule over us and we acknowledge his omniscience—he already knows our sins and has been most deeply grieved by them. But when we have... Continue Reading
Moral Philosophy and Marriage
According to Witherspoon, there are five “particulars which reason and nature point out relating to the marriage contract.”
Christians (and not only Christians) have been thinking about marriage for a long time. We would do well to listen to them carefully, and, when there is a broad consensus on essential matters, set aside their wisdom only with great reluctance. A good deal of John Witherspoon’s influence in America came from the course... Continue Reading
Why Fiery Trials Happen, Pt 1
Trials makes us long for a Savior. They make us ache and groan for redemption, someone to set it all straight, and fix it once for all.
Peter’s not saying that because trials are temporary and a necessary part of life on earth, that they are trivial. He’s not saying, ‘Quit your whining.’ No, he acknowledges “you have been grieved.” The Scriptures are clear that trials can be grievous and devastating. Jesus knows that better than anyone (Isa 53:3-4). Why did Jesus suffer? So that... Continue Reading
Nicholas Wolterstorff’s Cheap Shots
Why the Christian Philosopher’s case for same-sex marriage is shallow
“All of Wolterstorff’s engagement with Scripture appears to be shaped by his gambit: If same-sex sexual intimacy isn’t inherently unloving, then opposition to same-sex marriage can only be due to a misbegotten commitment to divine command theory.” Nicholas Wolterstorff’s recent case for same-sex marriage, delivered as a lecture at Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church... Continue Reading
A Few Brief Thoughts on the Hatmaker Hermeneutic
While I commend the Hatmakers for what seems to be a serious process of reading, reflection, and prayer, I find the logic of their position unconvincing.
The biblical teaching about marriage is not an oh-by-the-way piece of ethical advice that can be easily swapped out for other arrangements. I know these are difficult, painful issues. But we have to prayerfully and rigorously think these things through. We are bound to hear more stories in the years to come about other Christian... Continue Reading
Prepping in Biblical Perspective
The biblical "prepper" trusts in God's goodness and sovereignty and, therefore, doesn't succumb to being gripped by sinful fear.
As is evident from the passages above, faith and preparedness often go hand-in-hand. We see this so clearly the example of Noah. If you see danger coming–whether from a forecasted ice storm, home invasion, solar EMP, financial collapse, or a hurricane–you prepare. God has given us minds to use and guidance to follow. At the... Continue Reading
The Woman in a Wheelchair Who Thought She Could Not Be Saved
Since Luther’s day, nothing has changed. Indulgences are still in effect, the Pope hasn’t changed his name, and tradition and the magistrate still trump the Scripture in importance.
I get the fact that so many of us have Catholic relatives and friends and we cannot bear the thought that they would spend eternity in hell, but the worst thing we can do is to ignore the truth that is so clearly hitting us in the face. The Roman Catholic Church still teaches a... Continue Reading
10 Encouraging Scriptures to Remember During Election 2016
Whatever the outcome of election 2016, one thing is clear: God is in control
When it comes to fear, God’s Word is the one sure antidote. May we turn there as we ponder election 2016. For starters, here are ten passages that remind us that God remains sovereign, even during election 2016 With election 2016 looming, it can be tempting to worry about the future of our nation. What... Continue Reading
The Bigger the God, the Smaller the Difficulty
What ought we to do when our problems seem large and our God seems small?
It is one of life’s greatest temptations to forget the bigness of God when you are faced with life’s huge trials. Like David, focus upon God’s power, glory, justice, and steadfast love. In addition, contemplate his faithfulness, truthfulness, omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, holiness, majesty, mercy, graciousness, forgiveness, long-suffering, beneficence, eternality, and immutability. Your God is sovereign. He... Continue Reading