The Interface of Medieval Mysticism and Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation
Contemplative techniques are designed to subdue the body and mind into passive openness to mystical experiences that impart the convincing impression of tapping into a higher plane of reality
The terrifying effects that sometimes result from meditation should come as no surprise, since the interface of science and mysticism has given scientific and academic credibility to the forbidden realm of the occult. Mysticism has long been understood as the science of consciousness, by which human consciousness is transformed into Divine Consciousness through meditative techniques.... Continue Reading
A Prayer for When the Future is Uncertain
In our culture today, there is much uncertainty about the future.
Cry out to God, give Him your fears, worries, and cares. Ask for salvation, rescue, and deliverance. Instead of despairing over what could or might happen, run to the One who holds the world in the palm of His hand. Turn to the One who turns the hearts of kings (Proverbs 21.1). Rest in the One... Continue Reading
The Missional Creep of the PCA
Our mission is, as always, to make disciples in the midst of the culture.
The reason for this deteriorating effect is because the gospel was not given to convert the culture. It was given to save sinners. Yet, evangelical progressives, who love the idea that they are change agents for the Kingdom, are busy focusing on culture, instead of sinners. This is why the gospel has been made of... Continue Reading
The Doctrines of Grace: Total Depravity: Did Calvin Pick TULIPS?
Ask someone if they know about Calvinism and most likely they’ll bring up TULIP
“If TULIP wasn’t original to Calvin, how did we get it? What are traditionally known as the Five Points of Calvinism sprung from theologians who were actually opposed to Calvin’s teachings, specifically those on predestination.” Ask someone if they know about Calvinism and most likely they’ll bring up TULIP, a helpful acrostic that stands... Continue Reading
Not Every Interesting Detail is Important
Though there might be curious details in the passage, we should try to zero in on the main point
“Ideally, we should give our attention and thought to themes and details in proportion to their importance. Granted, we don’t usually know the major thrust of a passage until we’ve spent some time with it. But if we want to land on the main point, we should give our energy to the evidence and supporting... Continue Reading
The Joy of Seeing Christ in the Old Testament
When we see the Old Testament in light of Jesus, we don't destroy its essence, we enrich it.
Now contrary to some objections I have heard, when we point the Old Testament to Jesus Christ, we don’t destroy the practical applications of the Old Testament stories. Seeing Christ in the Old Testament doesn’t mean we can’t learn from David’s failures or Israel’s sinfulness in the wilderness. It likewise doesn’t mean we can’t learn about... Continue Reading
What The Bible Is All About
God the Son did not first appear in the history of redemption in the incarnation, but has been mediating the knowledge of God and saving his people for thousands of years before.
Scripture is not a random collection of ancient myths and aphorisms. It has a unifying message told in every genre, by every author, in every period of redemptive history. The unifying thread is not God’s plan to establish a glorious national people on the earth nor is the Bible about the reader. The Bible is... Continue Reading
This is Not Too Good To Be True
All who who are united with Jesus Christ, are accepted and beloved without degree or level.
And for you who are united with Christ Jesus, there is nothing you can do to affect your standing. You cannot get closer to God. You cannot find yourself further from God. Your affections, thoughts, words, and deeds have zero effect on your position, for it is no longer “my righteousness” that matters but “My Righteousness”... Continue Reading
Fencing the Table (Part 1)
How to prepare church members to receive the Lord’s Supper.
As we engage the questions before us we should recognize that the sacraments must be set in the larger context of ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church). Our fencing inquiry is not a simple question that can consider the sacrament in the abstract. Rather it is a complex matter involving several issues of wider biblical,... Continue Reading
Do Not Add To The Offense Of The Gospel
The fruit of the Spirit that the NT calls us to exhibit includes gentleness, meekness, patience, and love
We care about our friends, and we want them to participate in the joy and discovery of this wonderful thing called salvation. But when we do that, so often we come across to these people as saying, in attitude if not in words, “I’m good and you’re not.” People are turned off by that, and... Continue Reading