Does The Westminster Confession Contradict Calvin On Assurance And Faith?
Calvin recognized that we do not always experience the benefits of the assurance that belongs to faith.
Calvin repeatedly recognized similar problems that the divines were facing, that faith as we experience seems to fluctuate. He recognized, e.g., that all believers have implicit faith in something or someone. “We certainly admit that so long as we dwell as strangers in the world there is such a thing as implicit faith; not only... Continue Reading
Human Sexuality: Defined by the Mystery of the Trinity
The Bible discloses that there only two options for human existence: We either worship the creation or we worship the Creator.
We do not define God nor do we self-define. In the creation of human sexuality God, as Creator and Redeemer, reveals something of himself as both different from us, yet intimately related to us. In revealing himself, he defines us. Thus our great cosmic human task is faithfully to carry that image throughout our lives... Continue Reading
No Lord!
When someone says, “No Lord!” they have to be insincere in one of those two words.
When some say “No Lord,” they are proclaiming insincere praise. With their mouths they are giving title and tribute to God, but there is a wide gulf between their words and their affections. They are insincere in calling Jesus, “Lord.” They are very sincere in saying, “No.” Have you ever said, “No Lord!” I must admit, I... Continue Reading
How Vocation Transformed Society
A dramatic example of how a theological teaching had a revolutionary social impact is the Reformation doctrine of vocation.
Another name for the doctrine of vocation is the priesthood of all believers. God does call some Christians to be pastors, but He calls other Christians to exercise their royal priesthood by plowing fields, forging steel, and starting businesses. But all priests—including peasants and serving girls—need access to God’s Word. So during the Reformation, schools... Continue Reading
Fake Christian Emotions And Real Christian Affections
Many Christians believe that what Scripture means by “pure” and by “lovely” is the pleasant, the naive, the Hallmark Channel, not the reality of a world in need of redemption.
Prosperity gospel preachers would tell us that the point of the Christian life is to escape pain, suffering, and grief. And we should not deny that God has plans to “wipe every tear” from the eyes of believers. But in this life, realistic grief and sorrow are as much a part of the godly affections... Continue Reading
Time to Grow Up
Parents and local church members, let us teach our children to follow our example and grow up.
Let’s enjoy the progress Christ is making within and seek to be a bit different than the average Joe in our culture. Let’s grow up! Let’s mature and leave behind our childish and foolish ways. Men, let’s take the lead and man up! Ladies, you mature as well and grow in excellence as you grow in years.... Continue Reading
Why Definite Atonement (Particular Redemption) Must Be True
The doctrine of definite atonement or particular redemption refers to the biblical truth that Jesus died on the cross only for His elect and actually procured their eternal salvation at Calvary
“What did Jesus actually accomplish at the cross? Did Jesus really save people or did Jesus make people savable by dying for them? What did the atonement achieve? The many words that comprise the theological range that describes what Jesus did on the cross all underscore that Jesus perfectly saved people by dying for them.”... Continue Reading
The State of Theology: Does Even the Smallest Sin Deserve Eternal Damnation?
Eight out of ten Americans have an incorrect view of sin
You can think of the views of sin and of Christ’s person and work as an inverse relationship. Thinking less of sin, not grasping its full weight, means we necessarily think less of Christ and less of His work on the cross. When we see the full depth and heinousness of our sin, we exalt... Continue Reading
Heaven is a Person
Heaven isn’t about the place, it’s about the Person
“God has given us some information about heaven, but consider how much more he has told us about himself! The Bible is stuffed with truths and stories about God’s character, his demands, and his grace. When we complain that we don’t know much about heaven, we’re missing the point. God has told us gobs about... Continue Reading
An Illustration of Repentance
Do we have a sense of what repentance looks like when God is working repentance in us?
In God’s work in the believer, He takes a little time to bring the believer to an awareness that his course is actually a sinful one. Then there is the process of coming to a stop, the process of the turn itself, and the process of getting up to speed in faithfulness. But some sins... Continue Reading