Six Reasons Why Adultery Is Very Serious
Christopher Ash provides six reasons in his book Married for God
Adultery does no favors to the adulterer. To the contrary, it undermines and erodes character and integrity. “Like all secret sin, it eats away like some noxious chemical at the integrity of the one who commits it. The moment any of us drive a wedge between what we say we are publicly and what we... Continue Reading
The Goodness of God
What type of person is able to say that God is working in all things for my good?
“If God is good,” he began, “I may be able to retire early, and live not far from here.” Unfortunately, he had to hurry away. All I had time to say to him as he left was, “Do remember that Romans 8:28 will always be true.” Many years ago, my wife and I were... Continue Reading
Surprised by Orthodoxy
Responding to the Eternal Subordination of the Son using Pro-Nicene Fathers
Being surprised by Wayne Grudem’s “surprise” that Carl Truman and Liam Goligher would publically accuse his work of not being consistent with Nicene Orthodoxy (see “Whose Position on the Trinity is Really New”), I thought it potentially fruitful, for the interested student, to compile in one place a hearty helping of Pro‐Nicene sentiment. As my... Continue Reading
Natural Complementarians or Natural Contrarians?
Women do have moral suasion over men. But it can go either way.
So I do agree that marriage, with both a wife and a husband, is beneficial to society. This benefits singles as well, as they too come from a family. And we see this in the cultural mandate. But it isn’t just because of a woman’s influence or virtue, as these statistics show. We need men... Continue Reading
Why Kiss Your Bride Through a Veil?!
Our passion for teaching ministers the original languages of Scripture is rooted in the Reformed Church’s unswerving commitment to the Word of God as it came from pens of the inspired authors
If you can’t use these tools, your study of God’s word as minister is going to be impoverished greatly. If you have to skim over a commentary every time there is a moderately complex reference made to Greek or Hebrew grammar, you are going to hobble along as an exegete of Script. Perhaps you’ve noticed... Continue Reading
Headship is Not Hierarchy
The kingdom of heaven throws all that we think we know about power and authority on its head.
The husband isn’t the boss, the commander, the chief, the king. All of that belongs to Christ. Rather, the husband is the head, and she is the body. He is to nourish, cherish and love her as his body, because she is his body. That’s the point. To ask the question, “But isn’t he still... Continue Reading
13 Spurgeon Quotes for Fighting Sin and Shame
In the midst of his ministry, Spurgeon discovered a mercy wider than his wounds, a grace deeper than his depravity.
“In the family register of glory the small and the great are written with the same pen.” “The smallest star that gleams is set in heaven; the faintest ray of light has affinity with the great orb of day. In the family register of glory the small and the great are written with the same... Continue Reading
Presxit: The Church of the Normal
When we neglect empathy, we risk the spiritual well being of those for whom being churchy means they aren’t known, loved, or accepted, except insofar as they embody certain ideals.
I struggle with depression, and in those moments when my mind and my emotions tell me lies and leave me feeling isolated and hopeless, I cling to those around me who help me change whatever narrative has me spinning. I surround myself with people on whom I can depend to come after me and pull... Continue Reading
Worship At Work
In worship we defer to the Lord and ascribes glory to him.
To worship at work is to live according to the first commandment. There are to be no other gods before the Lord in the Christian’s workplace. What the Christian does at work is what God, in his providence, called him to do. Behavior at work should be determined by the extent to which it honors... Continue Reading
4 Practical Guidelines For Reading Old Testament Stories
The Old Testament stories form an indispensable resource for Christian living
“In the Old Testament stories, God is the ultimate hero, not any human being. God is the one working out the salvation of his people. Seeing him as the ultimate hero gives us an important frame of reference for reading the Old Testament stories.” Harold Goddard writes, “The history of the world is determined... Continue Reading