Divine Dew for Dry Souls
Has your soul ever seemed like a desert?
So, dry soul, look up. It is the Lord alone who can refresh you and reinvigorate you. He can make the desert sand blossom into a rose. Each of His three Persons can drench you with dew. Even one of His attributes can saturate your soul. Just one of His words can break the hardest clod. “Lord, come, beautify... Continue Reading
Pro-Nicene Theology: Entryways and Ineffability (Part 1)
The doctrine of the Trinity serves as the fundamental lodestar of all Christian belief
The common criticism of systematic theology suggests that it is an effort (whether intended or not) to put God in a box. Control. Manipulation. Sanitizing. These are the watchwords against such an agenda or effect. That there is a version of Christian doctrine which does so cannot be gainsaid, and we might note that suspicions... Continue Reading
Drag Queen in the Nave
The attempt by rebellious creatures to create their own reality will ultimately fail.
Our surviving gothic cathedrals and organs now utter pagan heresies and cannot revive the hearts of men. We need a mighty fortress back in our lives–the presence and knowledge of Almighty God, whose pre-existing Being gave us all life, meaning and dignity. This spiritual fortress may still be evoked by the stirring sounds of a... Continue Reading
How to Not Grow Weary in Doing Good
We can be tempted to grow weary of doing good because our seeds seem small and powerless
The good news is we don’t have to do monumental works. We just need to plant seeds – a simple prayer, a word of encouragement, work on memorizing one scripture. A small gift to missions. Our faith is not in our power or the size of our seeds but in God’s character: And let... Continue Reading
A Beginner’s Guide to ‘Free Will’
Can a person’s acts be justly regarded as praiseworthy or blameworthy if those acts flow from a good or evil nature that inclines him in only one way?
“Glad submission to God’s authority, and to God’s superior value and beauty, is something we are not able to do. This is not because we are kept from doing what we prefer to do. It is because we prefer our own authority, and treasure our own value, above God’s.” Before the fall of Adam,... Continue Reading
I Am (Still) A Complementarian
I think there is still much value in the term "complementarian"
“With our culture’s continued march toward sexual anarchy, the term complementarian still helps explain what the Bible teaches about men and women. And it does so by standing together with other brothers and sisters who labor to teach a Biblical understanding of sex and gender.” My good friend, Todd Pruitt, recently wrote a post... Continue Reading
Eternal Subordination of the Son and Books for Women
My hope is that the current debate over the Trinity would encourage us to consider carefully all of the books we use
Kassian and Wolgemuth explain that, in their view, authority and submission are rooted in the Trinity. They teach that without an authority/submission relationship between God the Father and God the Son, authority and submission are meaningless: Continuing to look at the influence of the Eternal Subordination of the Son (ESS/EFS/ERAS) doctrine in evangelical publications,... Continue Reading
The Justification of Works by Faith
The believing sinner's good works are cloaked in Christ's own perfect righteousness (apprehended by faith), and so are most pleasing to God
The doctrine of justification of works, unlike that of justification by works, stands to provide sinners of sensitive conscience with much relief. It encourages us to broaden our appreciation for what Christ accomplishes for us; he has not merely justified our persons by his perfect obedience, he has also justified our efforts to conform our... Continue Reading
Why the Church has to Start Talking about Hell
To reject hell is to reject the teaching of Christ, to demean his atoning work on the cross and to attack the character of God.
Belief in Hell is counter cultural. It is not easy. And there are lots of questions that we will have. But we need to be aware that in denying hell, we are denying the triune God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we don’t take Hell as seriously as Jesus did, then I suspect that... Continue Reading
3 Types of Legalism
Legalism involves abstracting the law of God from its original context.
“The essence of Christian theology is grace, and the essence of Christian ethics is gratitude.” The legalist isolates the law from the God who gave the law. He is not so much seeking to obey God or honor Christ as he is to obey rules that are devoid of any personal relationship. Have you,... Continue Reading