Who Cares for the Caregiver?
The complexity of others’ needs may hide them from you and hinder you from helping.
Churches—not the buildings but the people—were made to care. We must be gentle but bold in advising weary caregivers to receive care. They may need help in accepting it. You May Need Care Who cares? As we saw in the first blog, we were born to care according to God’s creation plan (Genesis 1:26-28).... Continue Reading
A Simple, Sobering Explanation of Our Sick Society
Our nation is exhibiting signs of a major moral declension.
To listen to the chaotic, nonsensical ramblings of many in our society (many of which reside in our “highest” institutions of learning and who are currently rioting in our streets) is a study in Isaiah 5 and Romans 1. Any man or woman, any family, any nation who, in their pride, reject God’s Word will... Continue Reading
What Makes an Ideal Elder?
Effective eldership is vital to discipline, peace, and orderliness in the church.
The qualifications of a ruling elder are of two sorts. Some are personal and relate to his way of life as a Christian. Others are official and relate to how he rules as an office-bearer in the household of God. If it is dangerous to any church to have ministers who are not called... Continue Reading
Come to the Waters
The hymn, steeped in rich theological heritage, resounds with the truth of God’s sovereign grace.
Come to the Waters is not merely a hymn sung by the congregation–it is a theological confession, a musical sermon that every teaching elder, ruling elder, and congregant should relish. It captures the essence of the gospel message, the heart of Reformed theology, and the pastoral warmth of our Presbyterian heritage. In recent years, James... Continue Reading
The Three Ways
God virtually possesses in and of himself, in a simple, supereminent fashion that which makes a rock a source of security to us and a fountain a source of satisfaction to us.
The God who is wise by nature bestows wisdom on creatures. The perfection of wisdom formally exists in God (in a divine manner) before it exists in the creature (in a creaturely manner). As Thomas Aquinas observes, “we do not call God wise because he causes wisdom, but he causes wisdom because he is wise” (Thomas... Continue Reading
The Hope of the Gospel Is Someone, Not Something
Until that day Christ, our hope, remains hidden in heaven above. Yet his gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the world below.
The Father is indeed our source of peace (Col.1:2). And his work of reconciliation through the death of his Son is the foundation of our future and final hope. Thus the hope of the gospel is Christ. The Father has accomplished our redemption and reconciliation through his Son in order to present us blameless at... Continue Reading
The Purpose of Theology in Times of Uncertainty
Contemplation on fellowship with God strengthens those anxious about the earthly world seemingly turned upside down all around them.
In tumultuous times, communion with God, is both “perfect and complete” and “initial and incomplete.” It is perfect and complete, Owen explained, “in the full fruition of his glory,” and initial and incomplete “in the first fruits and dawnings of that perfection which we have here in grace.” Thus, contemplation on fellowship with God strengthens... Continue Reading
Using Your Gifts
We are to use our gifts for the good and the well-being of all, in our homes, our jobs, in our communities, and throughout the world, as we have opportunity.
As the Egyptian pharaoh did with Joseph, the king of Babylon placed Daniel and his friends “over the affairs of the province of Babylon” (Dan. 2:49). What is on display in these Old Testament examples is what the Apostle Paul admonishes in Philippians 2:15: “That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without... Continue Reading
The Rule of Faith and the Apostles’ Creed
In order to defend, teach, and confess the truth as well as test its existence in others this creed served the cause of orthodoxy well and still stands as one of the truly ecumenical expressions of biblical faith.
While Gnostics such as Valentinus sought to deny the true humanity of Christ and Marcion sought to destroy the unity between the God of creation and the God of redemption, biblically sound Christian teachers found these synthesized assertions helpful in exposing the faulty steps of heresy. They focused on the unity of Scripture, the unity... Continue Reading
His Kindness Leads Us to Repentance
God brings the fire of the altar to Isaiah, but instead of the fire punishing him, it instead cleanses him from unrighteousness.
Every one of us ought to read the woes against the pharisees and tremble as we recognize that the judgment pronounced on them we also ought to face. But, unlike Isaiah in Isaiah 6, there is no 7th pronouncement of woe. Jesus is not a servant of God who needs to turn and confess His own... Continue Reading
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