Grow in Contentment through Worship
Regular participation in worship fosters contentment, because in worship we call to mind the mercies of God and gratefully savor the blessings of Christ.
Turn up the “mercies” in the music of your life. The rhetoric of the Spirit magnifies your mercies! A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit makes more of their blessings than they make of their sorrows. This does not mean pretending that your sorrows do not exist. But when you have suffering and pain in... Continue Reading
How Firm a Foundation
As we run to Jesus for refuge, His Word is fully sufficient to help us in time of need.
Because God is with us, we are not to fear. His perfect love casts away all fear (1 Jn. 4:18). Jesus has overcome the world (Jn. 16:33). God may not deliver us from our suffering, but He promises to help us through it. He will give us aid, He will strengthen us, and His powerful... Continue Reading
Jephthah, a Rash Vow, and the Spirit of God
Is the Spirit of the Lord still upon Jephthah in the making of the vow, or was the Spirit upon Jephthah through the journey only?
We must view this vow of Jephthah as an incredibly sinful response to the Lord’s gracious working in Him and through Him. It tapped into his pride, and it was whilst drunk on success and his own pride and ego – as opposed to being filled with the Spirit – that Jephthah made the rash... Continue Reading
8 Attributes of God We Encounter at the Cross
Because he is spirit, God is always purely all of his attributes in complete perfection and unity.
We encounter the simplicity of God at the cross. Michael Horton, The Christian Faith: A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way, p. 229: “Simplicity reminds us that God is never self-conflicted. In God’s eternal decree, even in the most obvious example of possible inner conflict (namely, the cross), justice and mercy, righteous wrath and gracious love, embrace…. At... Continue Reading
The Christian and God’s Law
The Law cannot be used unto salvation, but salvation encourages a right use of the Law.
The Law of God is man’s friend if he is in Christ. It is not his master, and it cannot condemn him. But it does help as a good friend does. It directs him away from the things of the flesh because when he lives this way he is hostile to God (Romans 8:7). In... Continue Reading
Can Death Ever Be Good?
The Grief of Loss and Hope of Heaven
Death comes to us all, and God can and does work through even this for good to those who love him (Romans 8:28), but never lull yourself into the lie that death itself is anything but the terrible wages of our sin, from which we desperately need salvation (Romans 6:23). Remember that “Satan disguises himself as an... Continue Reading
The Temptation We Most Often Overlook
The Temptation of Godlessness
The deadliest temptation in a secular age, for the Christian and non-Christian alike, is the sidelining of God. The more we push God to the periphery, the more we take center stage. It’s our activity that matters. Our goals and aspirations. Our strategies. Our techniques. Our purposes. Our plans. We lose eternal perspective because the Eternal One... Continue Reading
Christian, No, You May not Marry that Roman Catholic (or any other Roman Catholic for that matter)
How can Christian marriage between a Roman Catholic and an evangelical be condoned if the two are not permitted to share together in the body and blood of their Savior? What sort of union in Christ is that?
No matter what a Roman Catholic’s verbal profession is, both the Roman communion and the Reformed church charge Roman Catholics not to partake of the Lord’s Supper in a Protestant church. On that, Rome and Westminster concur! (Code of Canon Law, Can. 844 §1) Accordingly, how can one be regarded as having a credible profession... Continue Reading
Sin in the Christian Life
We must also remember that all of our remaining “wretchedness” is completely and eternally forgiven in and through Jesus Christ.
Sin is a reality for all who are in Christ. That shouldn’t surprise us, because we ought to be far more concerned about our own sins than we are about someone else’s. And all of our own sins should point us to the cross, which is the only place that we can find true and... Continue Reading
Men Need Biblical Counseling
The Bible’s Masculinity
We must acknowledge that men throughout our culture and churches are in need of much soul care. The answer is not therapy that in addition to being atheistic in origin is contrary to the nature of men. Instead, the answer is Scripture, which was given by God through the pens of men to speak to... Continue Reading
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