The “Troubler of Israel”
A master class in prophetic ministry from Elijah the Tishbite.
Christians today must remember their identity and calling. We are not competing, as one fellow said, for a “seat at the cool table.” Rather, our lot is in the fens and marshlands outside the city limits (Heb. 11:38). We are “strangers and exiles,” and thus we are those called by our Lord to join Him... Continue Reading
Older Women: Cast a Vision!
Titus tells us that older women (literally “aged women”) have a responsibility to teach younger women to discern what is good.
Our young women need older women to cast a vision for what biblical womanhood looks like. They need to experience healthy, multigenerational relationships so that they will recognize biblical womanhood in the various seasons of life and have hope. Give them multigenerational relationships that anchor them in a healthy covenant community so that when they... Continue Reading
What Does It Mean to Forgive?
When God forgives us, He no longer holds our sins against us.
Sin is a sad reality of life in a fallen world, and it has major consequences. Jesus Christ willingly gave His life for our sins. Our forgiveness came at an unimaginable price. The beauty of the Christian life is that we can forgive others in a way that God has forgiven us. Matthew 18:15–20 gives... Continue Reading
10 People in the Bible Who Were Both Humble and Courageous
Scripture tells us that “the man Moses was very meek, more than all people who were on the face of the earth” (Num. 12:3).
Darius put Daniel into the lion’s den with the hope that Daniel’s God would save him, and God protected Daniel from all harm. The king knew with certainty that Daniel’s God is the living God. The evil plans of the King’s officials and satraps were foiled, and Darius placed all who had sought to destroy... Continue Reading
The Afterlife
What does the Bible say about the afterlife?
After death comes the judgment. So, when unbelievers die, their souls go to hell, where they await the resurrection of their bodies, at which point they will experience the final judgment: the “lake of fire” (Rev. 20). Until the second coming, believers too must experience the painful separation of death. In this intermediate state between... Continue Reading
Helping People Move Forward
People, even with good intentions, have to be LED.
Our families have to be led. Our children will wander without good leadership. Those around us over whom God has given us some responsibility must have a leader, or they will not push forward and take the land that is promised to them. Are we leading? It is important to remember that there is... Continue Reading
On Numbers and Living for God Through Christ
God consistently shows himself to be faithful to his promises even as his people show themselves to be unworthy of receiving them.
Numbers also reminds us of the pervasiveness of sin and our need for a savior. It can be frustrating to read a book like Numbers because we just want the people to behave and the heroes to act like heroes. But they often do not. The only consistent hero in Numbers is Yahweh, God himself.... Continue Reading
Jesus is the Best Thing for Your Conscience
What sort of run-ins have you had with your conscience?
He provides an eternal redemption, and he promises an eternal inheritance. If Jesus is your priest, nobody can take these things away. Your redemption. Your inheritance. And these two things will have a profoundly cleansing effect on your conscience. A person’s conscience is a funny thing. My earliest memory of what I would consider... Continue Reading
I’m Gonna Tell You the Gospel Again
You need that glorious message of grace that causes you to say “No” to sin and “Yes” to righteousness (Titus 2:12)
Please tell me the gospel again. I want my heart warmed by His grace. I need to remember the awful cost of sin. Tell me that His wrath burned hot against me, but the Savior came to save a sinner like me. Tell me how He drank the cup of the wrath of God and... Continue Reading
The Truly Successful Pastor
Successful ministry is that which is characterized by faithful labor toward the steady growth of the Kingdom.
The successful pastor preaches and teaches the entire Word of God without compromise (2 Timothy 4:1-2), so He calls people to repentance just as to faith. He does not water down the Gospel or let any contemporary issue usurp the Gospel in priority. He does so winsomely and does not set out to offend people,... Continue Reading
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