What Could Be Greater than Signs and Wonders?
He is “the true bread from heaven” that brings life, and He is proclaimed in the Word. No sign or wonder can replace that Word.
The most astounding miracles will not bring life to dead hearts. Even the resurrection, on its own, is not enough to create faith. Great works of God may encourage us and spur us on, but they will not save us. We need the greatest work of all, though it is the least spectacular—that is, the... Continue Reading
You Can Build Better Family Traditions
We are not alone trying to figure out how to serve Jesus all by ourselves. God has given us a family to help us.
I know many people who have become Christians from non-Christian family backgrounds. They want to live a life honouring the true God but need to set up new family traditions and ways of living. What does it look like to be a Christian husband? What does it look like to live a single life that... Continue Reading
Here There Is No Why
Among God’s creatures, He chose human beings to be His image-bearers, uniquely made in God’s likeness with a unique capacity to glorify God.
It has been said that there are three requirements for a fulfilling life. Are you listening? High school graduates? College students? Those starting life? Those in mid-life? Those in golden years? 1. A clear sense of personal identity: Who am I? 2. A strong sense of personal mission: Why am I here? 3. A deep... Continue Reading
Luther, Spiritual Disciplines, and Our Neighbors
Serving your neighbor out of love is a spiritual discipline.
Christians have to attend to the mastery of their sinful impulses so that they can serve their neighbors effectively. Luther approached the issue of sanctification with some reserve for fear that his generation, so recently weaned from the idea of good works as a means to grace rather than the fruit thereof, would fall back... Continue Reading
Can We Really Believe in Demonic Possession?
Dealing With Some Historical and Contemporary Doubts
In taking seriously the issue we need to be wise to those who would glam on to the opportunity provided by stoking either fear or fascination with the occult. We confess and testify to the veracity of the negative spiritual world and its existence to be sure. That being said we must be able to... Continue Reading
What Does It Mean That God Is Good?
Because God is holy, He is both great and good.
God does what is right. He never does what is wrong. God always acts in a righteous manner because His nature is holy. Thus, we can distinguish between the internal righteousness of God (His holy nature) and the external righteousness of God (His actions). Two virtues assigned to God, greatness and goodness, may be... Continue Reading
A Royal Calling
Taking a Closer Look at the Terms "Image" and "Likeness"
If “image” speaks of humanity’s relationship to creation as kings or vicegerents, “likeness” highlights humanity’s relationship to God as sons. Just as Seth is later described as the “likeness” of Adam (Gen. 5:3), so ’ādām is here called the “likeness” of God, pointing to the close, covenantal relationship shared between God and human beings. Adam, in... Continue Reading
Keep Going – We Serve a God of Surprises
We always need the bigger picture when we are going through deep waters.
Our labours are not in vain in the Lord. What God sees us doing in secret will one day be rewarded openly. The trials and struggles we now go through – seemingly alone and unnoticed – are fully known by our heavenly father. Perhaps you are in a world of pain, and it seems like no... Continue Reading
Lifting the Knife Before the God Who Sees
Seasoned faith withholds nothing from God.
Hold nothing back from God. Hear His voice and follow His every instruction, surrender all to Him to the smallest details. The more you know God, the more you realize He sees what is ahead. He has every provision in place … more than you can think or dream. He may ask for increasingly challenging... Continue Reading
Remember Jesus Christ
Paul aimed to make it impossible to forget either the person or the work of Jesus Christ. To forget is to deny; to deny is to give surety of an absence of grace.
He is Priest. As the priest was anointed to offer sacrifice (Leviticus 4:4, 5) and sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice. Christ, therefore, offered himself once-for-all putting an end to all of the typological sacrifices. Though not of the tribe of Levi, he received a special commission for this purpose (Hebrews 7:20; 8:6; 9:12, 24-26). So, Jesus Christ, having... Continue Reading
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