It’s Unlawful!
It’s one thing to regulate practice. It’s another entirely to form the affections.
Lewis explains that most students need the affective message more than the directive one: For every one pupil who needs to be guarded against a weak excess of sensibility there are three who need to be awakened from the slumber of cold vulgarity. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but... Continue Reading
If You Can’t be Happy for Your Sister/Brother…
How Petty Jealousy Destroys the Local Church
There is much pain awaiting those who can’t just be happy for other people. An unwillingness to recognize our own limitations and the superiority of others when it comes to talent, gifting, and opportunity is likely the most damaging thing we can do to our own peace. It is a truism that there is nothing more... Continue Reading
Participating in Christ’s Body
"Fellowship" is most properly understood as "participating by contributing and sharing."
We participate in community, existing as the conglomerate body of Christ. Together, we function as separate, distinct, individual members acting as one unified body. We join together to live out the principles and precepts given to all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. We engage in the works that God saved us for,... Continue Reading
Faithful Presence Where Your Feet Are
Fullness of life is not out there somewhere, but here.
Both your joy and your endurance are embedded in a life that loudly declares, “I am not God.” And what he desires is for you to be attentive to the life you’ve been given, not the life you think you ought to have been given. To glorify God right where you are, not where you... Continue Reading
Your Faithfulness Affects Us All: A Plea to Empty Nesters to Continue to Pursue Their Marriages
Three ways to pursue faithfulness in marriage during your empty nest years.
God created your marriage covenant all of those decades ago. He was with you when you said, “I do,” and he promises to carry you until death do you part. But he doesn’t just promise to help his people grin and bear it; he is also the God who can bring hope and joy. He... Continue Reading
“There Will Be False Teachers Among You” (2 Peter 2:1-10) – Words of Warning and Comfort from Peter to the Pilgrim Church (Part Four)
True prophecy is grounded in God’s word. False prophecy and false words arise in the minds of sinful men and women.
There will be false teachers among us, seeking to exploit us for their personal pleasure. But all they have are myths, fables, false words and false prophecies, which appeals to human sensuality. We have the prophetic word made sure, a word which contains the authoritative word of Jesus Christ–the very thing false teachers and prophets... Continue Reading
5 Reasons to Keep Preaching the Atonement
The atonement is the real heart of the gospel. The lifeblood of the Christian life.
In a day when the message of the cross is so often marginalised and its meaning so often undermined, doubling our efforts in proclaiming it could hardly be timelier and more relevant. Those who deny, distort, dismiss, and disparage the biblical doctrine of the atonement do injury to the gospel. Therefore, my brothers, preach the... Continue Reading
The Character of Love
Let’s not just talk about love; let’s love each other.
Let’s not just tell people we love them; let’s show people we love them by how we treat them. That’s the character of love. It’s active. It shows itself in behavior. It meets needs. It is selfless, looking out for the other. It is not jealous; it is not angry; it is not rude; it... Continue Reading
How Church Discipline Can Lead to Better Spiritual Health
Durham sets out the goals of church discipline and explains how each case needs to be treated on its own merits.
Ministers and elders ought to carry out church discipline with such tenderness, love, and sympathy that they will not only have a testimony in their own consciences that they are acting in the best spirit but also that those who have offended, and others who observe what happens, will also be convinced of this. For... Continue Reading
When Jesus Comforts the Accused
Christianity says that we are guilty, but we aren’t condemned. How can that be?
When you come to Jesus “caught in the act,” you expect the full weight of the law to crash into you. It’s what you deserve. But with Jesus, you get what you don’t deserve. You are guilty but not condemned because he was condemned for you. All you have to do to receive that is... Continue Reading
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