Ladies, Don’t Beat Your Pastors with the Rod of Titus 2
Elders must guard the church from unsound doctrine.
Pastors are not perfect….But they are not unaccountable. God is holding them to the charge of shepherding His flock, guarding them against unsound doctrine, and teaching them sound doctrine, so when you submit to your elders and pastors, you are submitting to the Lord. There is a growing trend among women’s ministries in the... Continue Reading
Grace in a Bug Bite
Our productivity does not incite God’s delight. It’s the righteousness of Christ imputed to us that merits the blessing of God.
God uses disruptions to put us through His school of grace; to remind us that we bring nothing to table. He ordains mundane events to keep us humble. God orchestrates events to create dependent children who come only with hands empty and arms outstretched. One night several years ago, my foot began to itch.... Continue Reading
Of the Danger of Christian Celebrity
Honor faithful Bible teachers. Beware of being influenced by celebrity.
The outside celebrity, the bigtime speaker, the passion-stirring author is not your pastor. These teachers can be a gift from God, and I do not want to have you ignore them. But you must realize that these folks do not know you and cannot care for your soul. You are not their responsibility before God. ... Continue Reading
What Is the Meaning of “His Number Is 666”? — Revelation 13:16–18
All people are born in sin; thus, all people outside of Christ have this mark.
The number 666 symbolizes man exalting himself as God. It is idolatrous humanism. It is what Adam reached for in the garden of Eden, and it is what lies of the heart of all idolatry. Truly, the hearts of humans are idol factories because sinful man desires to be like God. The number 666 perfectly... Continue Reading
Comforting Lies about Suffering
How the prosperity gospel hurts people.
Peter had to learn these lessons about suffering, and so do we. For the believer, suffering is not a curse, not an indication of weak faith or a lack of blessing, but rather an integral part of the Christian life. God may discipline us to awaken and refine us, but his discipline is a loving... Continue Reading
The Point of Thinking about Eschatology
Thinking about eschatology should help our holiness.
We should try our best to understand what Ezekiel wrote, and to piece it together with other passages of Scripture that speak of what will happen in the future. Of course, we should always model humility as we try to understand Scripture, but we shouldn’t just shrug our shoulders and say we’ll figure things out... Continue Reading
3 Things You Should Know about Galatians
Paul doesn’t fall into legalism, for the obedience of the believer is all of grace.
If righteousness could be obtained through the law, then Christ died for nothing (Gal. 2:21). Righteousness could never come through human obedience since God demands perfect obedience, and a curse impinges on all who fail to do everything God commands (Gal. 3:10). The curse is only removed through the death of Jesus who took the... Continue Reading
The Expectation of a New Covenant Sabbath
Commandments—including the Fourth Commandment—is the expectation of the Bible and the majority position of the Reformed churches.
Scripture indicates the Sabbath will be kept until the end of history. Isaiah 66:22-23, regarding the new heavens and earth, says, “For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make shall remain before me, says the LORD, so shall your offspring and your name remain. From new moon to new moon, and... Continue Reading
The Spirit’s Fruit: Love
The greatest act of love was God the Father sending his own Son to die on a cross to pay the penalty for sin and break its power.
In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul gives us a list of the fruit of God’s Spirit. Notice that it is fruit and not fruits. In other words, all the moral character traits listed in those two verses are organically united to each other, and ought to be understood as aspects of each other in one organic whole.... Continue Reading
Parenting in a Scary World
With our confidence rooted in our Savior’s character and victory, we have every reason to press on, courageously raising our kids amid a threatening world.
God’s Word doesn’t shelter us from the ugliness of human depravity. It’s right to explain to our kids (age-appropriately) what’s going on and how it points to our Redeemer. The temptation to avoid uncomfortable topics is real, but if we don’t speak with our kids about sexuality, we can rest assured the world will. Let’s resist... Continue Reading
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