The Arc of the Ark Story
Seeing the Death and Resurrection of the World
Baptism corresponds to the ark story because the arc of that story was death and life. Baptism is the Christian’s public declaration that God has brought us through the waters of judgment. Through union with Christ, we have been brought safely into everlasting life. The Lord Jesus, the true and greater ark, is our refuge.... Continue Reading
Corinthian Enthusiasm
Only one book serves as our ultimate and final authority in all that it affirms.
Let us be the sort of people who prayerfully and carefully immerse ourselves day and night in God’s Word (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2). Let us also be the sort of Berean-like people who receive good teaching about God’s Word “with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so” (Acts 17:11). ... Continue Reading
Return of the Dad Theologian
He is the man of Psalm 1, and as a minister and shepherd of his family, he is also the man of Titus 1.
As dads and husbands we cannot retrieve lost time, but if we are willing to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and repent of any complacency (or outright laziness) we have had, He is faithful and just to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 Peter 5:6, 1 John 1:9). His mercies are new... Continue Reading
Do Jesus and Paul Contradict One Another?
Interpreting what Jesus taught during His earthly ministry against what His Apostles subsequently wrote reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of biblical revelation.
Attempts to pit the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul against one another will result in a division of the canon. This can lead people to undermine both the Apostolic teaching on redemption as well as the Apostolic ethic for the lives of the members of the New Testament church. Some have sought... Continue Reading
The Fall in Genesis 3: A Prepositional Approach
If we don’t understand the story of the fall, then we won’t properly understand the Story of Scripture.
In order to see the power of the cross and receive the gospel as truly good news, we must understand our helpless condition, that we have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23). The road after Genesis 3 has many twists and turns, but along the way we read about the rescuing grace of... Continue Reading
The Judgement of Getting What We Want
God may give us over to our sin and the damaging consequences that inevitably follow with it.
The thing about pushing and pushing for what is sinful is that God may well decide in the end to give us over to it. Our sin may be pushing us towards something that, of itself, is good but for ungodly reasons. Our sin may be pushing us toward something ungodly for ungodly reasons. But... Continue Reading
“What Do You Expect? They are Only Pagans!”
The truth is, God still holds all unbelievers accountable for their actions. And we should too.
So some of the squeamish (and often woke) believers of today who say we should never call out pagans, or pagan rulers, or pagan nations, for their many wrongs, immorality and evil, because they are not Christian, are greatly mistaken. Yes we should uphold God’s standards to one and all. A good cop or judge will... Continue Reading
More Than Doing
When you are studying a passage of Scripture, how do you know when you have arrived at appropriate application?
Application is not only about the hands but also about the head and the heart. All three spheres can be considered legitimate ways to apply the Scripture. One of them (hands) involves doing. But that’s not the only thing application involves. How do you know when you’ve successfully applied the Bible to your life? Of course, obedience is a life-long... Continue Reading
How to See Your Wife
Three Ways to Love Her Better
Empowered by the truth that God keeps me as “the apple of [his] eye” (Psalm 17:8), I made the commitment to be a man who takes literally the command that “each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others” (Philippians 2:4). Over the years, I have landed on three... Continue Reading
The Secular Sensitive Model
Confronting the Fashionable Sins of the Age
Given that our secular age is subjective and relativistic and therapeutic, the reality of objective, transcendent truth is practically incomprehensible to our neighbors and friends, including many within our churches as well. Unless and until that is challenged clearly and directly, what is said is liable to be understood and filtered through such subjectivism and... Continue Reading
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