Preaching A Good and Powerful Word
God is powerfully present in all his goodness and power in and through his word.
The power of God at work in his word is a power that God intended to be exercised by the faithful ministry of his word. Ministers are sinful people who need to be rebuked, corrected, and shaped by the word that they preach. But, in God’s economy, his plan was always to have sinful people... Continue Reading
Two Kinds of Sermons that Seem Expositional but Really Aren’t
"Sequential Preaching” and “Observational Preaching”
Study the text. Understand its words. Observe the relationship of the words to one another. Consider the structure. But do all of this not as an end itself. Do it in order to get to the point of the text. Only then can you deliver a truly expository sermon that makes the point of the... Continue Reading
Why Fight for Truth in a World that Hates IT & US
Four Reasons Withdrawal from the Culture is Wrong
When Jesus says to us, Because I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (John 15:19), he is NOT saying that Christians are universally hated by NON-CHRISTIANS. We are hated by the City of Man—by the ruler of this world, by the system of rebellion, humanism, and sin that both pulls on our... Continue Reading
Somber Thoughts on a Contemporary Difficulty in the Evangelical Churches
Our culture cannot abide the notion that any position should be denied someone who wants it on account of any trait that is outside that person's conscious will.
But lay aside the practical consequences of ordaining women pastors, as well as its obvious violation of the clear commands of Scripture….This notion that it is unfair to deny office on account of things outside the conscious control of those that want it if they have the same abilities or moral character that others who... Continue Reading
The Titles of Jesus in Matthew
131 titles used for Jesus in Matthew.
Matthew was not just writing to convey information; he wanted his readers to know that Jesus is the king of Israel. By the titles he used, we know that Matthew did not just think of Jesus as a historical figure. He was the Christ, the promised Messiah, the one sent to save his people from their... Continue Reading
The Agent of Illumination
Illumination is that work of the Holy Spirit by means of which He helps believers to understand the significance of revelation as they incorporate it into their lives.
The Holy Spirit must begin a work of illumination before any unbeliever will ever understand and receive the gospel. The Spirit must continue to perform this work for all believers as they wrestle with the text of Scripture. While He does not interpret the Bible for us, He does help us to understand the significance... Continue Reading
What Kind of Messiah are You Looking For?
How could John go from everything he said about Jesus at his baptism to wondering whether he is really the one Israel have been waiting for?
John may have expected a slightly different kind of messiah. But nevertheless, had an idea in his mind of who that messiah ought to be. Jesus simply says, I am the messiah and you will be blessed if you’re not put off by me as I am, whatever your expectations. It’s quite something. Later on,... Continue Reading
Participants in What We Proclaim: Recovering Paul’s Narrative of Pastoral Ministry
Biblical-theological framework for suffering in ministry that all pastors will endure as they faithfully proclaim Christ.
Although current features may vary and create unique stresses that differ from previous generations and other cultures, the underlying narrative for all ministry remains the same. Those in every age who faithfully preach this Christ will manifest his death and resurrection as participants in what they proclaim. If this is missed, so too will be... Continue Reading
Can Your Body Make You Sin? Guardrails for Your Thinking
All Behavior Comes from the Heart
Your body may place much pressure upon your heart which makes it difficult to remain faithful to Jesus Christ; however, your body cannot make you unfaithful. Essentially, your heart responds to the influence or pressure from your body either for the glory of God or not. As such, your body does not have functional control... Continue Reading
The Account of Creation and Its Relation to the Biblical Storyline
All of our foundations for life and living are found in the biblical teaching on creation, especially as delineated in Genesis 1–3.
When you read the rest of the Bible one can always look back to Genesis 1–11, to creation for the foundations. As Jesus announces the good news of redemption, he constantly points back to the creation standards as we see when asked about his opinion on divorce (Matt. 19). Again, as we saw earlier, when Isaiah... Continue Reading
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