Jonathan Edwards was Fired
Edwards was truly gifted but lacked the wisdom to navigate public sin involving young men and their families.
Where did Edwards fail? It is difficult to say. Sometimes leaders face an intractable situation that is impossible to solve, situations that sometimes lead to the clarity that their time in a congregation is over. But, all leaders, especially pastoral leaders, must grow in their ability to lead, even as contexts change. And, no, the... Continue Reading
B. B. Warfield on the Essence of Calvinism: “God Saves Sinners”
Jesus saves sinners from beginning to end.
He who knows that it is God who has chosen him and not he who has chosen God, and that he owes his entire salvation in all its processes and in every one of its stages to this choice of God, would be an ingrate indeed if he gave not the glory of his salvation... Continue Reading
The Israel of God
Because Christ is the true Israel, all those who are in Christ by faith are grafted into this new humanity, both Jew and gentile.
Through Christ and the outpoured Spirit, we experience a fullness that Abraham rejoiced to see only from afar. The word hope is often used flippantly, carrying little more weight than a flimsy wish. But biblical hope is firm and sturdy. Biblical hope is squarely centered on the character of God, the truth of His Word,... Continue Reading
When We Cannot Stop the Tears
To love someone is such a beautiful and painful thing.
What do we do when all we can see is the aftermath of another tragedy? The only thing we can do is look up. Look, and remember that there is coming a Rescuer who will once and for all put an end to this terrible pain. He will come sweeping across the clouds, the righteous King... Continue Reading
Social Implications of Spurgeon’s Gospel
Spurgeon saw himself as living out the consistent social implications of Reformed and evangelical theology.
A thorough commitment to evangelical and Reformed theology was everything needed in times past to move Christians to compassion and care for the neediest members of fallen humanity. All the resources for a vibrant social ministry are found in the Reformed tradition. But more importantly, they’re found in the Scriptures themselves, which summon Christians to... Continue Reading
Paul’s Prayer … and Ours
Prayer works, and prayer is what brings God into the equation.
A great prayer to memorize and pray for your family, friends, church, and everyone you know.… that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in... Continue Reading
Petty Tyrants and Crackpot Kings
Learning to face a world gone mad with the jubilant triumph of the gospel.
Beginning in Eden, the Scriptures tell the story of God’s unconquerable purpose to advance His saving reign on the earth. And this purpose is one that all creaturely agents, whether human or demonic, are powerless to oppose. God will reign. He will have His people. He will have His kingdom. And every enemy, including death itself, will come under His dominion... Continue Reading
The Story of Us
Because of the perception that people won’t be able to relate to all the dogmas and factual claims of the historic Christian faith, a conscious decision has been made to actually change the message.
Rather than focusing on Christ’s death, burial and resurrection as testified by a multitude of reliable witnesses and written in advance throughout the Scriptures, many Christians today have chosen to proclaim a different gospel entirely. This new and improved gospel is The Story of Us. This story is one that is perceived to be much more... Continue Reading
The Three Uses of the Law
When we discuss the three uses of the law in a technical sense, it is important to understand that we are specifically talking about the three uses of the moral law.
What are the three uses of the moral law? They are the political use, the pedagogical use, and the normative use. The first and second uses are found in a different order in some discussions. The third use of the law (Latin tertius usus legis), however, almost always refers to the normative use. If... Continue Reading
Why a Post-Christian World Needs Pastor-Theologians
Like first responders, pastor-theologians enter the crisis of our post-Christian world and train disciples to address its most dire needs.
This is no time for despair. We don’t need to reinvent the church but to rediscover it, for the church is God’s creation. This is no time to abandon theology but to drill down deeper to take every thought, and every social imaginary, captive to Christ. The local church is the place to cultivate biblical... Continue Reading
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