In an Age of Self-Care, Prioritize the Church’s Mutual Care
The gospel’s beauty shines when we no longer live for ourselves but lovingly care for others out of a transformed heart (2 Cor. 5:11–21).
Evangelism is often demanding and intimidating. Overemphasizing self-care could discourage evangelistic efforts that feel too demanding for the individual Christian. But counterintuitively, the spiritual growth and wellness of a Christ-follower are enhanced when he or she engages the lost world with the hope of the gospel. Avoiding evangelism (or simply trying to make it easier) won’t... Continue Reading
The Happiness of God – Part 1
To view God as happy has a bearing on our worship.
“It is of infinite importance … to know what kind of being God is. For he is … the only fountain of our true happiness,” writes Jonathan Edwards.”3 Paul refers to “the glory of the blessed God” (1 Tim. 1:11). The same verse could be rendered, “the good news of the glory of the happy God.” The term blessed indicates... Continue Reading
Giving Thanks is Serious Business
We can trust that God hears our requests and will answer both because he has promised this in his Word and because he has always done this for his people—including us!
It is good and necessary for us to cultivate a thankful spirit, both individually and as a community. Giving thanks regularly reminds us that we receive all that we have, not because we have earned or deserved it, but because God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Meditating on... Continue Reading
Servants of Providence
In all things, God will see to it that His purposes and promises are fulfilled.
For the believer, God’s providence is wondrous news. And the fact that He is purposeful in all His providence is even better news. As servants of providence, we are beneficiaries of a good, loving, faithful, just, and infinitely wise God. He alone is who we want and need as the Master of providence. Granted, His... Continue Reading
There Are Five Important Ways to Prepare for the Preached Word
Teach your children that on every Sabbath they are offered spiritual food and supplies for the coming week.
Since the gospel is the Word of God rather than the word of man, come to church looking for God. Teach your children that ministers are God’s ambassadors who bring you the Word of God (2 Cor. 5:20; Heb. 13:7). Manton wrote, “So much preparation there must be as will make the heart reverent. God... Continue Reading
The Bible Is Undoubtedly Vulgar and Violent But We Should Not Shield Our Children From It
God commanded parents to teach the Law to their children and make it part of daily life.
The Bible God has given us, and commanded us to teach our kids, does not shy away from reality. God’s plan is not for us to try to preserve childhood innocence for as long as possible. Our children are not innocent, and innocence doesn’t prepare them for life in this world. Last week Utah banned... Continue Reading
Fidelity to God: Our Highest Good
Knowing God quenches our deepest desires to know the glorious and be known by the glorious.
For practicing Christians, fidelity to God may mean recommitting ourselves to the practices that habituate us into deeper relationship. Even when we do not feel like it, we must read our Bibles and pray as a ritual reminder that the first thing about each of us is our ultimate end, not our temporal end. Contemplating... Continue Reading
Were Commanded to Love Our Neighbors, Not to Make Them Feel Loved
Learning to Love a World That Hates You
Christians must no longer ask, “Does my neighbor feel loved?” (according to their standards) but rather, “Has my neighbor been loved?” (according to Christ’s Word). Or, to borrow a phrase from the apostle Paul, we all must ask ourselves: Am I seeking the approval of my neighbor or of God? For if I were still trying to please my... Continue Reading
True, Lasting Happiness Is Found in Jesus, Not Sex or Sexual Identity
Between 30 and 45 percent of transgendered people report having attempted suicide.
For many years, it was widely assumed that this much higher level of unhappiness was due to humiliation over others’ disapproval. Though society has become much more accepting of the LGBQT lifestyle, unhappiness persists even among those surrounded by affirmation. Being gay or transgender may be celebrated in our culture, but that doesn’t change its... Continue Reading
Gospel and Culture: What Goes and What Stays
An unchanging gospel in a changing world.
At the end of the day, as our culture rapidly changes all around us, we must retain an unchanging message. That is non-negotiable. But we can be open to new methods – at least to SOME new methods. But even here real care and prayer is needed as to the best way to proceed. Some things change in life. Some things do... Continue Reading
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