Regeneration and the Holy Spirit
A Chapter from All of Grace by Charles Spurgeon
The Lord does, in fact, produce the new birth in all who believe in Jesus; and their believing is the surest evidence that they are born again. We trust in Jesus for what we cannot do ourselves: if it were in our own power, what need of looking to Him? It is ours to believe, it... Continue Reading
For Those Whom God has Afflicted?
Sickness usually comes as a messenger of divine love—it is sent to be a blessing, and may be made, by God’s grace, a very great blessing to the soul.
Why does God afflict us? Because He loves us, and wishes to make us holy as He is holy, and happy as He is happy. For, as it has been well said, “Fiery trials make golden Christians!” God had one Son without sin—but He never had any son without sorrow. God chastens purposely and lovingly.... Continue Reading
Worship on Earth as It Is in Heaven
When we worship, we are entering into something eternal.
Worship is not us performing for God, but a reenactment of God’s work for us. Everything about the eternal worship into which Isaiah and John enter is initiated by God, provided for by God, and shaped by his covenant relationship with his people. God is the primary actor. All of the actions of the worshipers... Continue Reading
What Does Joshua 24:15 Mean?
A Summons to Choose
Joshua’s call to Israel was urgent: “choose this day whom you will serve” (Josh. 24:15). For us today, this remains an urgent and timely summons to choose the Lord. What’s the difference between them and us? Do we have any hope of choosing the Lord? Because of Jesus, yes, we do. Joshua brought the people into the land... Continue Reading
The Secret of Contentment
The key to finding enjoyment in our work, as well as in eating and drinking, is to recognize that these are gifts “from the hand of God” (Ecc. 2:24).
When we begin to “count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Phil. 3:8), and when we “do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31), we experience contentment even with “weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities” (2 Cor. 12:10). It is in our weakness that God’s... Continue Reading
The Kind of Man Pastors Must Be
He must be a man who keeps on speaking the truth, even when it is very costly to do so.
Every pastor must not be an arrogant man (Titus 1:7), but a humble one—a man who hears all these qualifications and says, “Who is sufficient for these things” (2 Cor. 2:16)? And then, instead of looking down in despair, he looks up and clings even more tightly to Christ, remembering that Jesus says, “Apart from... Continue Reading
Peace Like a River: Advice for the Soul in Conflict from William Bridge, Part 1
Christians may, for a time, lose their sense of additional peace with God, but will never lose their fundamental peace with God.
Bridge explains there is a world of difference between the genuine peace enjoyed by the Christian and the false peace counterfeited in the heart of the wicked. “True saving peace,” wrote Bridge, “is the child of grace, and the mother of grace… True saving peace, is such a peace as is wrought by faith. “Being... Continue Reading
Building God’s Kingdom Through Family
Look Up to Future Generations
God has chosen to build His Kingdom slowly and gradually through families, so we need to lift our eyes above our current circumstances to perceive both the global and multigenerational scope of God’s work. This will not only redirect our focus to the Gospel and its application to our families but also greatly encourage us... Continue Reading
Those Who Fear You Shall See Me & Rejoice | Psalm 119:74
As with all of the Christian life, our steadfast hope in Christ has both a vertical and horizontal component.
To see someone else fixing their hope firmly upon God through His Scriptures strengthens my resolve to do the same. That is why the author of Hebrews spends all of chapter eleven giving his readers portraits of Old Testament saints who endured great trials, hoping in God’s promise that they never saw fulfilled while on earth. That... Continue Reading
The Basics: The Fall of Adam
Not only did the fall of Adam render us guilty before God, we have all inherited a sinful nature from Adam.
Because Adam sinned, we are born with a sinful nature, we are guilty before God, all our thinking and doing is tainted by sin, we are already under the sentence of death, and we unable to do anything whatsoever to save ourselves. Sin and death is the consequence of Adam’s fall. If we don’t grasp this... Continue Reading
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