Defending the Scriptures
Biblical inerrancy, the belief that the Bible is without error, is an essential teaching in the church today.
Bible-believing Christians acknowledge that the Bible is the written Word of God, directly inspired by Him and His form of communication to today’s generations. Any Bible student should not be too surprised that the Scriptures lay the foundation of the faith, as God placed an important role in written communication in earlier textual encounters. ... Continue Reading
5 Reasons to Teach Kids Biblical Theology
Biblical Theology sounds scary, like another field of study for the guys in the pulpit or those teaching in a seminary, but it’s much more than that.
Biblical theology tells the story of God’s redemption throughout history, tracing themes that run from Genesis to Revelation. Most often, this is described in the overarching timeline of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation (or restoration). Leading children to read the Bible through a lens of Biblical Theology (or a redemptive-historical perspective) is important. Biblical... Continue Reading
Why Might God Wait?
What Grief Taught Me About Love
The pain of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, people whom Jesus dearly loved, was real and intense. They had to wait in the dark, wondering why Jesus hadn’t shown up. He cared about their pain, weeping with them as he saw their grief, all the while certain that their grief would turn to joy. Our grief... Continue Reading
Childlike Delight
The world is rich in wonder because God cares to show his munificence through the gift of creation.
We’re meant to grow up into Christ (Ephesians 4). And yet doing so will make us delighted children. There’s something so wonderfully restful about the idea of being able to take pleasure in the same thing over and over again. It’s a sign of the way sin has twisted our tastes and desires that we are... Continue Reading
Why Were They All Willing to Die?
They were killed because of their fidelity to the message of Jesus.
Their response as a result of their relationship with Jesus demonstrates the integrity of what we read in the Bible. Why would these men be willing to die in such horrific ways if they did not in fact believe deeply in the Jesus they knew and loved? There was no money or fame in first... Continue Reading
Needed: A Few Good Men
Goodness and Faithfulness
The spiritual fruit GOODNESS requires a commitment to 1) help others come to Christ, 2) stand against harmful practices in the culture and 3) only return good for evil. The deepest faithfulness is to our Master. It is whole-hearted allegiance. Jesus described it, And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul... Continue Reading
Strengthened by the Supper (3): What’s God’s Intent for the Lord’s Supper?
Through the signs and seals, your Lord nourishes you, refreshes you, comforts you, strengthens you, and heartens you as you walk this wilderness journey to the Promised Land.
When Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me,” he was not simply saying, “Remember the historical facts of my death.” No, no. He was telling you to take hold of all that he accomplished for you by faith. He gave you bread and wine and the promise of the gospel. You see the gospel in the... Continue Reading
The Lord Shut Us In
When the Lord shuts you in, you are in.
How secure are those included in Christ? They are sealed – shut in – by the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Feel it today, friend – feel deeply the comfort of knowing that you belong to Jesus. Though all hell might break loose outside, though you might be attacked and assailed on many sides,... Continue Reading
How Should Christians Disagree? The Clarity of Scripture Part 6
Paul’s two chief commands for disagreeing with Christians like Christians. First, “welcome one another.” Second, “be fully convinced.”
How, then, shall we disagree? We start by welcoming one another, and when we look to the clear light of Scripture we stand fully convinced on that solid ground. In other words, we disagree like Christians, like those who have been welcomed by the God of goodness and truth. And if Paul’s instructions don’t seem... Continue Reading
Christianity’s Uncanny Habit of Renewal
The Asbury renewal echoed a theme woven deep in American history, and in the history of Christianity: the outbreak of religious awakening in unexpected times and places.
Renewals, revivals, and awakenings are unpredictable, by definition. Christians should not credulously accept them as de facto works of God just because they’re on the news, or on YouTube. Sometimes revivals turn out just to be frothy chaos; sometimes they introduce aberrant beliefs and practices. But sometimes they produce godly results that last for generations:... Continue Reading
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