5 things that will characterize the heaven to come.
There you shall be kissed by your beloved Saviour. You shall be allowed to put your arms around Him as you tell Him you love Him. There it won’t be as if loving Him from a distance. There you will be with Him and He will be with you; and He who has loved you... Continue Reading
The Secret Benefit of Depression
Depression can be the gift of God if it drives you to Him.
Allow the weight of your depression to dash you upon the Rock of Ages. Press into Christ. Let the sadness press you toward Him. Abandon everything but hope in Jesus. Run into His arms because there is nothing good anywhere else. You have been given clarity that very few people have. You understand that there... Continue Reading
Does Singleness Show Heaven?
Or, Why Marriage is Normative
Individual believers are not Christ’s bride; His church is. Individual singleness does not point to the heavenly marriage; the church does. Yes, people can be fully human and complete without marriage. No, singleness is not a picture of heaven. While scripture nowhere presents singleness as a picture of heaven, it constantly presents marriage as a... Continue Reading
Could You Spot Judas?
Every sign pointed to Judas being one of the gang.
If there is a way to spot a Judas it’s not found in results of ministry, it’s not found in eloquent speech, it’s not even found in what he/she appears to be treasuring. We are probably healthiest when we do not treat people with unwarranted suspicion but also when we aren’t surprised by depravity. True... Continue Reading
What do You do When You are Spiritually Dry?
Don’t stop going to the fountain.
We must run to the fountain of living waters. Don’t be deceived into running to broken cisterns, but come and “draw water from the wells of salvation” (Isa 12:3). Look to God’s word, and look to the Word. Come to Him, all who are weary and heavy laden, and He will give you rest. ... Continue Reading
How to Read the Bible in Context and Stay on Track
As Christ Jesus is indivisibly and inseparably divine and human, so Scripture is harmoniously divine and human.
Scripture is the word of God, which he has spoken and which has been written down by humans and inspired by the Holy Spirit, we read his word considering both the immediate context of the human writers and the unifying context of the divine author. This is not an either/or argument but is both/and—human and... Continue Reading
A Sexular Society
Three problems with a sexular society.
Most significantly, it takes us away from where we are meant to get our identity from. From One who loves us and who never changes. Instead of being a fountain of failed promises, this One would lay down his life so that we could know who we truly were made to be. Jesus Christ is... Continue Reading
Substitution and Divine Love
The New Testament presents God’s gift of his Son to die as the supreme expression of his love to men.
Christ’s death for me guarantees my preservation to glory. Christ’s death for me is the measure and pledge of the love of the Father and the Son to me. Christ’s death for me calls and constrains me to trust, to worship, to love, and to serve. The penal substitution model has been criticized for depicting... Continue Reading
Your Depression Is Not Demon Possession
If a person is indwelt by the Holy Spirit, the Bible tells us clearly they cannot be demon possessed.
In the clearest terms possible, 1 John 5:8 says that believers are kept by the power of God and the evil one does not touch them. It seems clear enough just from these scriptures that the believer, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, cannot be demon possessed. Almighty God is not going to share space in a believer’s... Continue Reading
5 Essential Traits of Teachable People
True teachability is actually one of the rarest of qualities in the hearts and lives of people.
A truly humble man or woman will have thoughtful formed opinions and strong convictions; however, he or she will always be ready to have those opinions and convictions challenged–first by God’s word and then by those whom God may bring across their paths. One of the great goals, to which each of us should... Continue Reading
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