Teach Us to Number Our Days
Scripture calls us to number or consider our life span; to recognize the lack of control we have over the length of our own life.
The Bible tells us, “So teach us to number our days … that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12 ESV), and Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.” Numbering our days is much more than keeping track of... Continue Reading
Taking the Form of a Servant
How Christ's Humiliation Teaches Us to Love One Another
Our natural man within us is very selfish and self-indulgent. We need to be on guard at all times to put to death the inclination to seek our own above that of others, especially when it comes to the difficulties of sinful men and women working together for God’s purposes. We may not always realize... Continue Reading
The Chosen and The Word
When I respond to Jesus as portrayed in "The Chosen" am I responding to the true Jesus? Well, maybe.
Our response to Jesus should come most dominantly from reading his Word—since that’s the only completely trustworthy place we can go to find the true Jesus. So when I realised the propensity for my heart to be more strongly influenced by “The Chosen” than Scripture, I had to make the decision to leave off watching it. The... Continue Reading
Shining Idols: What They Demand
What are your idols demanding of you? How are they misshaping your heart?
God established worship: an encounter with his people mediated through the tabernacle. The tabernacle safeguarded the presence of God: the personal, active God was invisible. With the golden calf, there was accessibility to a visible god who was an impersonal object.[vi] In true worship, we encounter the holy, the awesome. In idolatry, we encounter the... Continue Reading
Thank God for Men Like Jonah
Have we truly considered the great mercy of God toward Jonah?
We see Jonah’s disobedience and the Lord restoring him afterwards. We should be ever grateful that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:22–23), and as John says, “We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 Jn 2:1). Our God is not only merciful and gracious to us in our... Continue Reading
On Feeling (and Being) Heard
Should we confront someone even if we don’t think they’ll listen to us?
It’s probably still the best plan of action to at least try to follow the Matthew 18 pattern as close as you can for as far as you can. We shouldn’t be in a rush to write someone off (1 Cor 13:7). We don’t want to assume the worst. We should long for restored relationship more... Continue Reading
Holy Habits Forming the Will
Spiritual maturity looks like three primary evidences in the believer’s life, according to the Puritans: (1) greater capacity for future obedience, (2) a believer’s will is conformed to God’s will, and (3) greater Christlikeness.
Puritans viewed habits in developing spiritual maturity was through aligning a believer’s will to that of God’s. Through habits, or frequent practice, the Puritans would say that a believer begins to now want what God wants by being regularly conditioned spiritually in frequent obedience to Him. God works through the repetitive obedience of believers to... Continue Reading
Members Who Build the Body
Healthy local churches make a powerful and attractive testimony to a watching world.
Attendance is necessary, but members should do more than just attend. They should serve. They should “do the work of ministry” (Eph. 4:12). They use their gifts to serve God and other members, building up the church in the process. Great encouragement comes from knowing you’re not the only one on the team. Great comfort comes... Continue Reading
How Blood-Earnest Should a Preacher Be?
Dig deep in Jesus and the atmosphere will take care of itself.
If we fixate upon the tone of the service—stamping out laughter and mirth—making sure we have the proper atmosphere of being around the holy, we’ll never arrive at anything more than contrived stillness. Because when you focus upon being blood-earnest you’re no longer really preaching. C.S. Lewis once spoke about the difficulty of sustaining... Continue Reading
Good News for 2023: It’s Not About You
Whatever stories 2023 will tell, they are all ultimately about Christ.
Amid the New Year’s hubbub about self-focused resolutions and self-improvement and self-care and self-whatever, don’t forget that 2023 is not about you. It’s about Jesus. It’s good to ask how this year could be different than the one before—but for Jesus’ sake, not just ours. Whatever our plans, intentions, hopes, or fears are as we... Continue Reading
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