Spurgeon and the Sabbath: A Theological Conviction
For Spurgeon, Sabbath-breaking broke the fourth commandment in the same manner as adultery broke the sixth commandment.
Jesus’ example did not abolish the Sabbath, but it gave Christians an accurate portrayal of Sabbath observance. Consequently, due to Spurgeon’s Sabbath convictions, he would preach for sinners to repent of their Sabbath breaking. Two revolutions in the last part of the 18th century and the first part of the 19th century created anxiety for... Continue Reading
The Forgotten Command: The Need for Repentance concerning the Lord’s Day Sabbath
We must not treat this command lightly or dismiss it as irrelevant.
God blesses those individuals and nations who honor the Sabbath, setting it apart as holy unto Him. We cannot expect revival to come to our hearts, both individually and corporately, if we stubbornly refuse obedience to this clear instruction from our Lord. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall... Continue Reading
3 Things You Should Know about James
When we view things in this light, we see that James does not contradict Paul’s writings but rather complements them.
Paul’s argument in Romans (and in Galatians) moves from unbelief where law-keeping fails (Rom. 1:18–3:20), to being declared right before God through faith (Rom 3:21–4:23), to adoption and sanctification that flow from justification (Rom. 5–8). In other words, Paul’s statement about justification by faith rather than works falls in his argument about how one becomes... Continue Reading
From Softness to Strength
Christian manliness in the words of Cyril of Alexandria.
Cyril makes a clear distinction between earnest manliness and immaturity. He emphasizes that only those who have reached spiritual maturity and the measure of the age of the fullness of Christ are counted as truly manly. This maturity involves surpassing the mind of youth and embodying the virtues of wisdom, strength, and courage. The divine... Continue Reading
A Church Is a Dangerous Place to Be
Anyone should invite sinners to come to a church. Not because a church is a safe, accepting or an affirming place for them, but because it is a place where they will find Jesus Christ who helps them to stand before Holy God.
Even though church is a place where the God of consuming holiness comes to meet and speak to his people, believers stand before holy God every week with confidence and joy, being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:16). In the same way, even though church is a place where disciples fostered a... Continue Reading
Imperfect Vessels: God’s Glorious Plan to Use Us All
God gets glory when redeemed sinners tell others of the grace they have found in Jesus.
We are striving to be holy as He is holy. But, no one will be perfectly sanctified until glorification. If someone had to be perfect before they were to go and evangelize then Jesus would not have given the great commission to the disciples in the first place. See, God is glorified in using weak people.... Continue Reading
Was Jesus in the Grave for Three Days?
The difficulty is apparent, not real.
Critics allege that we cannot reconcile Jesus’ words with the Gospel accounts of His death, which place it at the “ninth hour” (Mark 15:34), or 3 p.m. in modern terms. If Jesus died at 3 p.m. on Friday and was raised early Sunday morning, how can we square those facts with Jesus’ statement in Matthew... Continue Reading
How to Start a Deadly Fire
Don't set a fire with your tongue, as James warns. You might burn up someone's house, and it would be twice as bad if it's God's.
Whispering gossip is powerful. It doesn’t just bounce off the surface but is delicious like candy to those who hear it, and if consumed, it will “go into the innermost part of the body.” It becomes a part of them, false or true. To them, it’s the truth, and they begin to live in light... Continue Reading
Accurately Valuing God’s Ordinances
We do not value the sacraments highly enough when we have little zeal to keep them pure, as well as when we neglect them on those occasions where we needed to make more of an effort to get them.
We give the sacraments too little respect when we never actually lay weight on any of them, or draw comfort from them. When we don’t wish and pray for others to get good from them. When we are unafraid that they are used wrongly by multitudes of those who partake of them, and rather than... Continue Reading
What Brings True Happiness?
Jesus was very clear that true, lasting happiness cannot be found in created things, but only in the Creator.
The Bible teaches that our current attempts to find happiness are like a bride taking her wedding ring, falling in love with the ring, and ignoring the giver of the ring! Church doesn’t exist to just boost your mental health, or release more happiness hormones. It’s where we can actually encounter God, who has sent... Continue Reading
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