This Is Not What the Sheep Need: Reflections on Credo Magazine’s Book Awards
Credo Magazine, with its 2023 book awards, has revealed in what direction it imagines Evangelicals should turn.
Our scholars should not, as such, be commending Roman academics with awards. They should be calling them to repent of their communion’s notions which twist and deny Scripture, and to use their talents and devotion to promote sound doctrine. For Christ said “if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples” (Jn. 8:31),... Continue Reading
Contributions Sought for the ‘Mark and Priscilla Lowrey Relief Fund’
An opportunity to aid and assist Priscilla Lowrey with Mark’s medical and end-of-life expenses by contributing to a fund set up through the PCA Foundation.
You may or may not be aware that Mark suffered medical difficulties for over a year now. He encountered great difficulty, suffering the neurological loss of his limbs and bearing up under physical pain. Despite being treated by some of the best doctors, this was all compounded by tremendous difficulty in diagnosing the problem. Recently,... Continue Reading
Three Marks of Progressive-Lite Evangelicals
In the name of “niceness,” they are dulling the sharp edge of the call for repentance that our world desperately needs to hear.
For all their talk of evenhandedness, winsomeness, and giving others the benefit of the doubt, these ideals are tossed out the window the minute the discussion turns to matters that conservatives deeply care about and are willing to advocate for at the political level. As Christians, we should call out this double standard for what... Continue Reading
A Statement from Tenth Presbyterian Church Regarding Our Senior Minister
Dr. Liam Goligher resigned as Senior Minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia on Friday, December 1, 2023.
During this time of trouble and confusion, our only hope at Tenth Church is to humble ourselves, and in repentance and faith seek the mercy of God through Jesus Christ, and to encourage others who struggle with sin in their lives to do the same. It is only by being reconciled to God through Jesus... Continue Reading
“No Little People, No Little Places”: Francis Schaeffer’s Vision of Faithfulness
May God be pleased that we serve faithfully wherever He has us.
The church (regenerate persons) is, in the new covenant, the people of God. One biblical image or metaphor for the church, or the people of God, is that we are the “temple”—the “temple of the holy spirit” (1 Cor. 6:19). Would not then pastoral ministry—whether in Toone, Tennessee, or in Willow, Alaska, or in Manhattan,... Continue Reading
Machen on the Church
The house of God and the gate of heaven.
Is there no refuge from strife? Is there no place of refreshing where a man can prepare for the battle of life? Is there no place where two or three can gather in Jesus’ name, to forget for the moment all those things that divide nation from nation and race from race, to forget human... Continue Reading
The Complicated Legacy of a Bishop Who Was Sincerely Wrong
The opinion of men is not what matters the most.
Some celebrated preachers dare to say that Jesus was wrong when he declared, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). You don’t have to believe this divine claim. However, you cannot claim to follow Jesus and call him a liar. It... Continue Reading
A Biblical Eldership Is a Male Only Eldership
The New Testament intends these restrictions to be permanent and universally binding on all believers and all churches.
Paul’s restriction on women certainly elicited criticism then, just as it does today. So, as in nearly all other references to distinct male-female roles, Paul immediately supports his instruction with Scripture: “For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Tim. 2:13–14).... Continue Reading
Celebrating Christmas B. B. Warfield
Christmas can be remembered conservatively and carefully.
It is increasingly difficult to think of Christmas as remembrance of Jesus’ birth amidst the gifts and other aspects. The day involves fusing the sacred and secular and such efforts immediately or eventually simply do not work out well because Scripture comes in conflict with the world. I think the world has turned Christians from... Continue Reading
Lamenting the Church Plant Fad
Don’t expect to double down on church planting to do what only a rigorous application of the Gospel can do in your life, church or organizations health.
Take it from a church-planting veteran who has wept more and laughed with joy more through this journey than in almost any calling (parenting seven kids occupies the top spot). Church planting is not some ministry hack to rid yourself of the baggage that established churches often carry. Nor should you hope to use it... Continue Reading
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