5 Reformation Guardrails for Preaching
The five solas of the Reformation are, in many ways, the bedrock on which evangelicalism is founded. They act like guardrails to keep us on the road.
We should certainly preach about the blessings God bestows, so long as we teach that the purpose of every one is the praise of God’s glorious grace (Eph. 1:3–6). He secures an inheritance for us, not ultimately for our comfort, but for his glory (Eph. 1:11–12, 14). He saves us in such a way that he alone... Continue Reading
Singing in Parts
I would suggest that the current status of congregational singing is not lacking in unison options but is in fact neglecting the benefits of singing in parts.
Singing in parts is a reflection of the Body of Christ that serves one another with different functions. The melody is supported by the harmony, the inner voices contribute tension and release, color, and enriched harmonic textures. The sopranos need the basses who need the altos and tenors. I love plainsong chant and the... Continue Reading
12 Reasons to Have Monthly Lunch with a Senior Adult…Or a Bunch of Them
I know that some senior adults struggle with change in the church, but I’ve found them to be welcoming and loving.
They—like all of us—still need discipleship. They may not always understand how deeply they need discipleship, but I’ve always found senior adults open to learning from someone who loves them. If you’re a church leader, you need to spend intentional time with a senior adult – or with a lot of them. Even a monthly... Continue Reading
Horror & Humanity in Tennessee Church Shootings
The shootings Sunday in Nashville at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ were of course horrible but also were counter conventional narrative in several ways while also showcasing the better side of fallen humanity.
Cable news and social media often insist that our nation is torn asunder by race, ethnicity, religion, class, and politics. But the reality revealed at Burnette Chapel Church of Christ and its Nashville community is that most Americans most of the time are not inextricably divided but strive to live harmoniously and as neighborly as... Continue Reading
How Should We Then Worship?
The best place for us to answer the “how” question of worship is to begin with the “who” question.
We are to worship God how God wants us to worship Him. This is the apparent crisis in the revolution of worship in our day. The driving force behind the radical shift in how we worship God today is not because of a new discovery of the character of God but rather through pragmatic studies... Continue Reading
The Practical Benefits of a Plurality of Elders
Every time that local church leadership is mentioned in the New Testament, we read that there are elders (plural) at a church (singular)
Churches should have a plurality of elders for their health and well-being. And now that I am pastoring a church, I have personally experienced the blessings of serving with fellow elders. I was also mentored for ministry in a church with a plurality of elders where I closely witnessed the advantage of having a pastoral... Continue Reading
The Church Is More Than People
The kingdom of God is what Christ preached and ushered in, and the present form it takes is the church.
The church, therefore, is a place where the people are gathered to receive God’s divine gifts, and it is a people who are formed and scattered during the week. The church, then, goes out into neighborhoods and communities to serve others in their various callings. This is our mission. This is where we give Christ’s love through our callings.... Continue Reading
A Call for Deacons
What are the qualifications for a deacon? What do deacons do?
Deacons serve a crucial role in the life of the church. Both of the offices of elder and deacon are important for the ministry of the church. Elders are ordained for the oversight of the church in the ministry of the Word and of prayer. Deacons are ordained for the service of the church in... Continue Reading
No Utopias Here
Interview with Carl Trueman on marriage, ministry, emotionalism, and Christians in politics.
Utopias have generally ended up as hells on earth, so even secular history suggests that utopianism is not a good political philosophy. Christians going into politics need to know it’s a question of achieving the best you can, not achieving perfection. Christians supporting Christian politicians need to be patient, bear with them, and pray they... Continue Reading
The Ruling Elder: A Generational Vision
The Bible teaches that a good Elder should be a good father, and a good father looks after his family.
As there were in the Church under the law, elders of the people for the government thereof, so in the Gospel Church, Christ has furnished others besides ministers of the Word with gifts and commission to govern when called thereunto, who are called ruling elders…Ruling elders possess the same authority and eligibility to office in... Continue Reading
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