Systematic Theology at Covenant Seminary is Biblical and “Missional”
Covenant Seminary recently modified its systematic theology department by positioning it in a larger newly named area called “missional” theology
“Missional at its core means to be characterized by mission. God has a mission to unify all creation under Christ (Ephesians 1:9-10) and to reconcile all of creation through the cross and resurrection of Christ (Colossians 1:15-20). God invites his redeemed people into this mission, commissioned by him as ambassadors of our Savior-King Jesus Christ.”... Continue Reading
Why Should a Pastor Stay a Long Time at One Church?
Watching God work through your ministry in such a way that those who once despised you, grow to love and appreciate you.
Unable to humanly explain anything I had experienced that day, God reminded me of one of the greatest joys of staying and enduring with these people. As we endure the criticism, complaints, and verbal attacks, and try to love and care for the souls of those who attack us, God in his grace might just allow us to eventually win them over. What a powerful testimony of the power of God at work in his shepherd and sheep when He does this.
Soap and Oprah
Move over Thomas Aquinas, there is a new guide to morals on Malta: Oprah Winfrey. “I just know in my heart that it is OK.”
I am not a Roman Catholic and not a huge fan of much Roman Catholic theology. But I had long thought that, when it came to social teaching and hard-headed moral thinking, the Roman Catholic Church was light years ahead of most Protestants in both sophistication and precision. That no longer seems to be the case. The best one can say is that the style of this document is provided by soft soap, and the content by Oprah.
UMC Congregation Apologizes for Removal of Gay Pastor
The congregation expressed a similar sentiment for their denomination in the declaration
Kenosha may have unilaterally attempted to reconcile with their former pastor. But the UMC’s Book of Discipline still unambiguously states that “self-avowed practicing homosexuals are not to be certified as candidates, ordained as ministers, or appointed to serve in The United Methodist Church.” This provision has remained a part of the Book of Discipline since 1972, despite repeated attempts by progressives to overturn it at General Conference.
How To (Finally) Stop Giving In To The Pressure To Add More Ministries In Your Church
When the church tries to be everything to everyone it often ends up being nothing to anyone.
Your church is not the entire, universal church of Jesus Christ. It just isn’t. It’s an expression of the capital C church. It’s a local embodiment of the Church. But it isn’t THE church. It’s A church. Maybe Jesus doesn’t expect you do absolutely everything HIS church will do because HIS church is bigger than... Continue Reading
The Call of Widowhood
If becoming a wife is a calling of joy, then surely becoming a widow would be a calling of sorrow. But is it not a calling nonetheless?
Widows have a special place in the heart of God. To remind us of who he is, God often identifies himself with certain people. He calls himself the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to remind his people of his covenant promises (Ex. 3:15-16). He is known as the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ so we know that he is Triune (Rom 15:6). Similarly, God identifies himself with widows. He executes justice for them (Deut. 10:18) and spreads his wings over them to protect them (Ruth 2:12). The psalmist says that “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation” (Ps. 68:5). He views his dwelling place as the special place where widows are to be cared for (Deut. 16:11; Zech. 7:8-14). To be known by God, loved by God, and protected by God in such a way is to have a special calling indeed. For it reveals to the church and the world the God of mercy and justice.
Did Early Christians Believe That Jesus Would Return in Their Own Lifetime? Implications for Canon
One of the most-oft repeated ideas about the earliest Christians is that they believed that the Kingdom of God would come (apocalyptically) within their own lifetime.
But, this argument simply doesn’t hold. First, it is by no means evident that early Christians believed Jesus would necessarily return in their own lifetime. Schweitzer’s views have been largely rejected–and rightly so. But, let’s imagine, for the sake of argument, that Christians did have this apocalyptic mentality. Does that mean they would have resisted the composition of new books, focusing instead on only oral methods of delivery?
When the Pastor Has an Affair
When the pastor has an affair, it is a tragedy of huge proportions. But the church can respond biblically, redemptively, and compassionately.
Be forthright with the congregation. The rumors are often worse than reality. You don’t have to give the sordid details. But the church needs to know the pastor was terminated because of moral failure. Speak to the congregation succinctly, honestly, and compassionately.
Preaching as a Means of Survival
Preaching is the only mechanism for the church’s survival in a secular age
“The biblical witness and the testimony of church history clearly point to the fact that preaching is the church’s survival strategy. By preaching the church expands and by preaching the church remains faithful in a hostile culture.” With our cultural analysis behind us, I would like to consider the role of preaching in a... Continue Reading
12 Trends That Shaped U.S. Religion Since the ’70s
What are the most significant changes that have occurred in the U.S. since the mid-1970s?
“Attitudes toward homosexuality and sexual identity have been transformed, obviously, with far-reaching consequences for religious movements of all kinds. Religious groups have had to confront gay-related issues in their own ranks and also had to decide their attitudes to public policy.” What are the most significant changes and megatrends that have occurred in the... Continue Reading
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