CRC Synod 2016: Belhar, Same-Sex Marriage and Doctrine of Discovery
Delegates of the Christian Reformed Church in North America gathered at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan from June 10-17 for their annual Synod gathering.
The inclusive crowd was actively advocating. The night before, delegates exited their meeting to find messages in rainbow sidewalk chalk: “We are the church too” … “ALL ARE IN GOD” … “WE ARE DYING TO BE WHO GOD MADE US” … “57 yrs in CRC, GAY, What will you do w/ me? And 1000s others?”... Continue Reading
“Wide Is the [Straight] Path…”
The PCUSA has hammered one more nail into its own coffin: showing its tolerance by inviting a Muslim to participate in leading the opening liturgy at its General Assembly.
Many liberal Presbyterians have castigated evangelicals for leaving the denomination over the diminished place accorded Jesus in the life of the PCUSA. The theological left says this is nonsense, that the PCUSA still stands for the unique lordship of Jesus, and for the truth that salvation is uniquely through him. But if the denomination lets... Continue Reading
A Plea to Take the American Flag Out of Corporate Worship
The presence of the American flag in the church sanctuary confuses, rather than clarifies, that God is the focus of corporate worship.
The flag communicates many things to many people, but it does not communicate the one thing needed: Jesus Christ and him crucified. Because the flag is a sign without an agreed upon ‘thing signified’ it obscures, distracts and may in fact be hindering people’s receptivity to the glorious good news of Christ. The presence... Continue Reading
MLP Says It Has Crumbled The Foundation Of The Scriptural Understanding Of Sexuality And Marriage
The More Light Presbyterians met on Tuesday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a document titled “Keeping Body and Soul Together: Sexuality, Spirituality, and Social Justice"
“Two writers of the original 1991 document were present and gave their perspective on a document that they see as prophetic witness to the church. Martin Ellison and Sylvia Thorson-Smith clearly see the current climate within the PCUSA as an affirmation of their work for acceptance, but they still see a need for additional work... Continue Reading
Teaching Theology To Children
A catechism is simply a series of fixed questions and answers used to instruct children
One of the greatest benefits of teaching the catechism was that it gave me simple ways to explain complex truths. The question, “Mommy, who wrote the Bible?” can be difficult to explain to a child. The catechism provided a succinct answer, “Chosen men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit.” This Thursday, I’m looking... Continue Reading
Pastor Gerald Sharon Resigns From Evangelical Church Over Biblical Position on Homosexuality
A former pastor at Saddleback Church resigns as pastor after he refused to agree to its biblical position on homosexuality, fearing it would alienate people in the LGBT community.
“Gerald was no longer able to state that marriage is defined between one man and one woman,” Williams said. “In order to arrive at such a place, there were many other areas of theology and scripture related to human sexuality, gender identification, marital and sexual orientation that Gerald was not able to agree with this... Continue Reading
SBC Repudiates Display of Confederate Flag
Messengers to the 2016 Southern Baptist Convention renounced display of the Confederate flag
“The Confederate battle flag resolution was another step in the convention’s effort to address its past actions regarding slavery and racism. The SBC, which began in 1845 in part in support of slaveholding missionaries, approved a resolution in 1995 repenting of racism and asking for forgiveness from African American Christians.” Messengers to the 2016... Continue Reading
Latvian Lutherans End Ordination Of Women Priests
The General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia has voted to end the ordination of women to the priesthood.
In 1975 the synod authorized the ordination of women to the priesthood. However, since his election in 1993 the Archbishop of Riga Jānis Vanags has declined to ordain women to the priesthood, arguing the experiment had not worked in Latvia. Archbishop Vanags…has argued that there is no warrant for women priests found in Scripture and... Continue Reading
Why WOULD Anyone Sing in Church These Days?
A quick trip down Google’s memory lane reveals that the internet has been talking about this regularly since at least 2012.
Do music that is meant to be sung, and in a way that encourages healthy, hearty singing. Most of the music churches are now attempting to sing is instrumentally-driven music in a vernacular style that was written for a solo artist recording. Replicating that style of music, with its syncopation, affected vocals, aimless melodies, and... Continue Reading
RCA General Synod: Marriage is A Covenant Between A Man and A Woman
The RCA General Synod 2016 adopted as constitutional the “Order for Christian Marriage” liturgy, which describes marriage as “a joyful covenanting between a man and a woman.”
Synod delegates called for a change to the Book of Church Order (BCO), mandating that consistories or governing bodies “shall assure that marriages in a church or congregation are between a man and a woman.” The change must be approved by two-thirds of RCA classes and ratified at General Synod 2017 before it is added... Continue Reading
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