Dear Bryan: Replying to “The State of the PCA”
A confessionalist’s response to Bryan Chapell’s “The State of the PCA”
When confessionalists hear that gender accommodation, positive engagement over homosexuality, and the acceptance of the secularist theory of evolution are necessary to our cultural success (you didn’t mention this, but it is a looming issue in our division), we scour our Bibles in vain to discover valid precedents. In the spirit of Paul in 2 Corinthians... Continue Reading
Church Membership Obligations
Why we should be members of a local church
This is why the Lord’s Day became so important in the early Christianity. It was the time for the formal, public gathering of Christians to worship. In Acts 20:7 we read: “On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul began talking to them.” Had they not gathered... Continue Reading
A Call for the Church in Scotland to Return to Biblical Roots
John Knox famously said: “Give me Scotland or I die.” I wonder if the Church in Scotland has the same passion and commitment today?
Do we want to spend our time remembering the Christendom of the past, and moaning about the secularism and spiritual confusion of the present? Or do we want to see Scotland return to its spiritual roots? Do we recognise that a renewed Scotland needs a renewed Church? If we do, then we need to be... Continue Reading
Andy Stanley Trashes Expository Preaching; Calls it “Easy” and “Cheating”
Stanley says, "My challenge is to read culture and to read an audience and ask: What is the felt need?"
Stanley and other seeker-friendly “creative” preachers improve upon the Text by incessant story-telling and personal anecdotes. That’s the “engaging” part of his shtick. I’ll remind you, beloved, that Jesus taught in parables not to reveal engaging and compelling truths from Scripture, but to conceal truth from those who didn’t need it at the time (Matthew... Continue Reading
Heidelberg 63: Rewards Merited For Us By Christ And Given Freely To Believers
There are heavenly rewards. They are vastly disproportionate to anything done in us or done by us in the life.
The good news is that Christ has condignly merited both our justification and our salvation. Christ’s benefits were earned for us by his works. They are given freely to us who believe. It was works for the Christ and it is grace for us Christians. 63. Do our good works merit nothing, even though it is... Continue Reading
College Students and the Church (3): A Challenge to Churches
Does the church live together in a way that readily encourages college students to integrate into the broader church community?
The neglected key to college student ministry is the exhortation of Peter: “Show hospitality to one another without grumbling” (1 Peter 4:9). It actually is that simple. The vision is to build relationships with college students, relationships in which counsel and discipleship and life-togetherness will come naturally and organically. This requires hospitality. It requires welcoming... Continue Reading
The Way We Show Love to Abusive Leaders
Would Paul rebuke us for allowing disqualified men to continue to speak and lead and have influence in the church?
And worse, what does it say to those who suffer when we give them cover? Does it reveal us to be people who are concerned with compassion and justice? Does it show us to be people concerned with the plight of the oppressed, the weary and those burdened by many sins? We tolerate Jezebel, even... Continue Reading
Dividends and Drawbacks of Small Groups
Whatever else may be said, this much we can be sure of: There will always dividends and drawbacks to small groups.
We are currently trying to figure out the best way to assimilate new families and individuals into these small groups. However, we are also currently working out a plan to reproduce some of the small groups that are growing numerically by breaking them up and starting new ones. Still, as we have already noted, we... Continue Reading
Nine Stupid Things I Did as a Pastor
If you want to read the tale of a pastor who really did some dumb things, keep reading.
Those are but a few of the stupid things I did as a pastor. Most of you can breathe a sigh of relief that I never served as your pastor. So why I am writing these self-critical comments at this stage of my life? I pray that some of you may see something in your... Continue Reading
Aiming To Deepen Rite’s Meaning, Baptist Pastor In Ohio Baptizes Infant
Rodney Kennedy at First Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio, said the practice conforms to his beliefs about baptism being the beginning of a life-long process
Baptist theologian Beth Newman said she hopes Kennedy’s action will spark conversations in Baptist and wider Christian life about those deeper meanings of Baptism. “As Christians, we want to say baptism is this one event, but it’s also a way of life,” said Newman, a professor of theology and ethics at Baptist Theological Seminary at... Continue Reading
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