Presbyterians And Homosexuals Together: The Crisis Of Christ And Culture
From its inception Christianity was a marginalized not a culturally powerful or influential religion.
With the death of the mainlines we’re witnessing the last gasp of the informal Constantinianism in America, the gathering of cultural elites in the narthex of tall-steeple PCUSA congregations. The informal coalition of cultural and political power brokers in and with the mainline is dead. The WWII generation was probably the last to care to identify with... Continue Reading
Door May Be Closing for Churches Seeking Dismissal from PCUSA
In at least two Presbyterian Church (USA) presbyteries open letters are circulating asking that no more churches be dismissed from the denomination.
The letter suggests that it would have been better if the presbytery leaders had responded to dismissal requests “with a clear word when they had a chance to say no. For example: ‘we are sorry you are unhappy. But we believe we are all better together. Please reconsider. But if you don’t, please know that... Continue Reading
Nine Common Tensions Pastors Face
Every day, pastors make intentional decisions about what is important in their lives
“Well-intending church members often begin sentences with, “Pastor, we need to . . .” Those sentences are expectations members have on pastors and staff. The temptation for many of these leaders is to say “yes” to most of the requests. But saying “yes” to everything means you will do nothing well.” Every day, pastors... Continue Reading
EPC Reaffirms Biblical Definition of Marriage
Evangelical Presbyterian Church issues statement following PCUSA's redefinition of marriage
We grieve for our brothers and sisters in the PC(USA) who have chosen to submit to culture rather than to abide by God’s Word. We stand with numerous other evangelical, conservative, and traditional Christians from many branches of the Christian faith tree in our belief in biblical marriage. Due to the most recent pronouncement... Continue Reading
PCA Affirms Biblical Marriage
PCA Stated Clerk issues statement following PCUSA action
The PCA in both its doctrinal standards (Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter 24 “Of Marriage and Divorce”) and church polity (Book of Church Order, Chapter 59, “The Solemnization of Marriage”) affirms biblical marriage as being between one man and one woman. Neither the General Assembly nor any of the Presbyteries nor any Session (board of... Continue Reading
Why San Francisco’s City Church is Wrong About Sex
Jesus, Paul, and the early Church would all reject City Church's arguments
As a church inspired by Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and founded in the Reformed tradition, City Church is supposed to give preeminence to Scripture. Instead, on the matter of homosexual practice, the Pastor and Elder Board gave preeminence to their judgment regarding what conduces more to human flourishing and, oddly,... Continue Reading
PCUSA’s Definition of Marriage Changed: Same-Sex Marriage is Permitted
A majority of Presbyterian Church (USA) presbyteries have voted in favor of changing the denomination’s definition of marriage
Commenting on the vote, LaBerge reaffirmed the statement of protest issued by the Lay Committee following the action of the General Assembly in June 2014 to redefine marriage. She said, “The passage of the amendment is further indication of the erosion of Biblical fidelity within the PCUSA. There is nothing new to say in response.... Continue Reading
6 Reasons Why Sexual Predators Target Churches
In the mind of a predator, a church offers a compelling target and, too often, an easy target
“Some sexual offenders state it outright—they go after churches because Christians tend to be naïve. Anna Salter says, “If children can be silenced and the average person is easy to fool, many offenders report that religious people are even easier to fool than most people.” It is terrible but true—sexual predators target churches. In... Continue Reading
The Unique Significance of Corporate Worship
A church is a gathering of believers in Christ; a church does not exist except when it is gathered
“When believers gather as the church, they exist in some special way as the dwelling place of God—the sanctuary of worship—so that, as Jesus promised, “where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them” (Matt 18:20). Although individual believers are also called “a temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor... Continue Reading
A Response to the Statement from City Church San Francisco on Its Ministry to the LGBT People
The letter makes it sound like there's this growing evangelical debate, represented by different perspectives in discussion. There isn't.
That’s not to say you won’t find folks who will argue and talk about this issue all day long, or that many won’t go down this road. But the real guts of the debate, with evangelicals academically wrestling with Scripture, hermeneutics, and theology isn’t happening. This isn’t a “dividing” issue where different opinions line up... Continue Reading
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