Prince of Poets?
The lost lyrics of Charles Spurgeon.
A mark of Spurgeon’s preaching was his meditation on God’s word. Like the Puritans before him, Spurgeon turned the diamond of Scripture again and again to reflect the brilliance of its many facets. But his meditation on Scripture wasn’t only a public performance. It was the fruit of his private meditation on Scripture. We see... Continue Reading
A Church Is a Dangerous Place to Be
Anyone should invite sinners to come to a church. Not because a church is a safe, accepting or an affirming place for them, but because it is a place where they will find Jesus Christ who helps them to stand before Holy God.
Even though church is a place where the God of consuming holiness comes to meet and speak to his people, believers stand before holy God every week with confidence and joy, being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Hebrews 4:16). In the same way, even though church is a place where disciples fostered a... Continue Reading
Out of the Shadows, Room to Deepen
In the absence of any objective telos of medicine or the physician’s role, the patient’s autonomous desires function as the de facto purpose of the practice.
While Goligher describes the overriding focus on personal autonomy as central to most arguments in favor of PAS-MAID, he doesn’t delve deeply enough into how this focus on autonomy shapes Western cultural imagination about what personhood actually is. In his book ‘What it Means to be Human’ legal scholar and bioethicist O. Carter Snead provides... Continue Reading
Imperfect Vessels: God’s Glorious Plan to Use Us All
God gets glory when redeemed sinners tell others of the grace they have found in Jesus.
We are striving to be holy as He is holy. But, no one will be perfectly sanctified until glorification. If someone had to be perfect before they were to go and evangelize then Jesus would not have given the great commission to the disciples in the first place. See, God is glorified in using weak people.... Continue Reading
Was Jesus in the Grave for Three Days?
The difficulty is apparent, not real.
Critics allege that we cannot reconcile Jesus’ words with the Gospel accounts of His death, which place it at the “ninth hour” (Mark 15:34), or 3 p.m. in modern terms. If Jesus died at 3 p.m. on Friday and was raised early Sunday morning, how can we square those facts with Jesus’ statement in Matthew... Continue Reading
The Church’s Independence Clarified
The church’s independence is negative, not positive. That independence means freedom from undue command or interference by others, not power over them.
The church’s independence is inferred from the nature of its early operations, its instructions from Christ and the apostles, and from its unique nature as God’s chosen people on Earth. At no point did Christ or his disciples ever say anything to the effect of ‘and when you select elders to rule your churches, remember... Continue Reading
An Open Letter to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC)
A message to the EPC regarding an overture from New River Presbytery to the 44th General Assembly
The issue before Mid-America Presbytery of receiving a same-sex attracted minister, Greg Johnson, and the congregation he serves (Memorial Church in St. Louis) into the EPC has raised severe distress throughout the EPC. Documents are beginning to work their way through the EPC, often advocating for Greg Johnson’s reception or taking a position against the... Continue Reading
How to Start a Deadly Fire
Don't set a fire with your tongue, as James warns. You might burn up someone's house, and it would be twice as bad if it's God's.
Whispering gossip is powerful. It doesn’t just bounce off the surface but is delicious like candy to those who hear it, and if consumed, it will “go into the innermost part of the body.” It becomes a part of them, false or true. To them, it’s the truth, and they begin to live in light... Continue Reading
The Latest Smear against Pro-lifers
No, Texas law does not ban the removal of miscarried babies.
With the spread of anti-life propaganda, parents may increasingly become scared and confused into thinking that a D&C is the only safe approach, and pro-lifers are taking it away. This debate highlights the need for strong definitional clarity. Pro-choicers like Robinson are obfuscating with intent to smear the pro-life side by insistently using the word... Continue Reading
Celebrating Abominating?
In this month, where sin is celebrated, let us be relentless in proclaiming the need for repentance and the hope found in Jesus Christ.
Supporting the LGBTQ movement is tantamount to endorsing rebellion against God. Saying nothing is not only cowardice but a rejection of God’s good commands and character. It is a declaration that we value man’s approval over God’s precepts and laws. By promoting and celebrating these lifestyles, or even by remaining aloof and watching from a... Continue Reading
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