“Duck Dynasty” Offers Good, Clean Television Fun
The message is that no matter what has happened during the day, some families still give thanks to God
What first grabbed my attention was that each episode ended with the patriarch of the family praying at the dinner table. It was a simple, Christian prayer of gratitude to God for his goodness and for family. Given all the TV shows that ridicule religion, mock marital fidelity, celebrate promiscuity, peddle soft porn, parade potty-mouth... Continue Reading
The ‘Selfie’
The selfie is a new type of exhibitionism; we are our own paparazzi; the rise of the selfie indicates a rampant narcissism
It seems that many of our churches are also likenesses of the selfie. Of course, there are many solid churches that do not perpetuate our own narcissism. I believe I go to one. Even so, I think that this is an epidemic that we need to be aware of because it appeals to us all... Continue Reading
New Anglican Diocese to be launched in the Midwest
Upper Midwest Diocese will affiliate with the Anglican Church in North America
Some 117 Anglican laity and priests gathered for prayer in Wheaton, IL, on April 27th at the Church of the Resurrection with the idea of giving birth to a new Anglican identity in the Midwest providing a safe harbor for orthodox Anglicans under siege by the liberally led Episcopal Church. A New Anglican Diocese –... Continue Reading
Ten Basic Facts about the NT Canon that Every Christian Should Memorize: #6:
“At the End of the Second Century, the Muratorian Fragment lists 22 of our 27 NT books”
The fact that there was some disagreement during this time period over a few of the “peripheral” books should not surprise us. It took some time for the issue of the canon to be settled. This occasional disagreement, however, should not keep us from observing the larger and broader unity that early Christians shared regarding the... Continue Reading
How Some Kids with a Van Are Changing the Pro-Life Movement
The Save the Storks bus is slick, recognizable, welcoming, and — horror of horrors — it sits in between a mother and the abortion clinic doors. With a simple offer of no-strings-attached help — “Would you like a free ultrasound?” — and a bright, comforting image, it appeals to the desperate woman before she reaches... Continue Reading
Happy Ascension Day
Is there any part of Christ’s life on earth that we think about less than his ascension?
Celebrating Ascension Sunday (this coming Sunday) is not the issue (though Bucer and Calvin argued for retaining the “Five Evangelical Feasts” in the church calendar: Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost). Christians can disagree on how to remember the key events in Christ’s ministry, or if holy days are appropriate at all. But whether... Continue Reading
The Feminist, Pro-Father, and Pro-Child Case against No-Fault Divorce
No-fault divorce hurts women, men, and children. So why is it still legal?
By making it easier to break up a home, no-fault divorce only makes it more likely that parents will commit this injustice against their children. Above all, divorce strips children of their human right to a mother and a father bound in a permanent bond to each other and to them. Stand up for the... Continue Reading
Gender Roles: The Search for a Third Way
Maybe we need to ask what is going wrong if so many women are experiencing such "distortions" of complementarianism
In light of recent discussions on a Christian perspective of gender roles in the Church and home, I would like to ask those involved to please remember the debate between egalitarians and complementarians is not merely a theological matter (though it is and important one), but it is a discussion that has serious implications for... Continue Reading
As She Lay Dying
On Mother’s Day, how do you honor an ornery mom?
For decades she had been hostile to any mention of Christ: She would always ask the same question—“Tell me why you had to become a Christian”—but never really hear the answer. Now, she could listen to the gospel and say, “What an interesting story.” Before, she would criticize Susan. Now, she would take my wife’s... Continue Reading
Why Original Sin (The Biblical Version) is Good News
Three reasons to see the truth that we are all born sinful as good news
Sooner or later, we discover that a beautiful baby has grown into a lovely, but sinful, toddler. How did that happen? If they were not born sinful, then we are responsible. If there is no original, inherited sin, then parents bear the blame for their children deserving God’s judgment. The doctrine of original sin tells... Continue Reading