The Real Life of the Pro-Life Home
Being pro-life means putting the life of another ahead of your own
Motherhood is the big-leagues of self-sacrifice. Millions of women kill to avoid it. In our culture of self-gratification, to embrace selfless motherhood is a revolutionary act. To see the sacrifice and rejoice in it. To recognize that the cost is your own life, and to willingly lay yourself down. The world hates the smell of... Continue Reading
A Pastor’s Love for Christ
What can ministers do to cultivate an unswerving love for Christ?
Sadly, many in the pastorate often neglect this all-important aspect of ministry. It is far too easy for a minister to slide into a mode of fleshly dependence and self-interest. This becomes the modus operandi when love for God is forsaken. When we are motivated by self-interest, then pride, worldly pursuits, discontentment, complacency, or discouragement... Continue Reading
Another Roe to hoe
A states-rights DOMA ruling should have implications beyond same-sex marriage
Today’s justices have a chance to do not only what’s right but what’s logical: If the Supreme Court affirms states rights on marriage, why not on abortion? Why not let today’s North Dakotans have their new law protecting an unborn child from abortion once his or her heartbeat is detectable? (That can be as early... Continue Reading
Roman Catholic Scholar Converts to Evangelical Faith
Jean Calvin, 25, of Noyon, a leading scholar of the classics and law student in the University of Paris, has reportedly converted to the evangelical cause.
Calvin has apparently joined the so-called Protestant movement begun about 13 years ago at Worms by the German monk Luther. Most of the theology faculty in the University reckon that this movement will be short-lived. Said one of the theologians, “We’ll crush these people just as we did the Cathars. Why do you think we... Continue Reading
I’d rather be a godly administrator than an ungodly minister
God looks on the heart and not the outward appearance
You spend your week filing papers, printing reports, chasing up bad debts, putting stamps on envelopes. Then you go to church on Sunday and you see a man leading hundreds in worship and prayer, and preaching inspiring sermons. It’s pretty obvious who’s pleasing God most isn’t it? Is it? Not so fast. God looks on... Continue Reading
Blooming Where God Plants Me
Every Christian has a calling, i.e., a life God has providentially guided you to and graciously equipped you for.
God’s Word is the main instruction manual for fulfilling any calling. There are not many specifics about a woman married to a pastor. However, the Bible is filled with ways to please God. For example, Christians are to practice hospitality, which has a specific application for an elder and, by inference, his wife. In I... Continue Reading
Contentment, Prosperity, and God’s Glory
A review of Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs' book
Burroughs begins by making the point that contentment is in many ways more difficult for the rich than it is for the poor. We trust in our riches, rather than trusting in God. Riches become idols for us, so that we are unwilling to let them go. We abuse our riches by using them to... Continue Reading
How to Build Community in Your Church
What role do the church members, not the leaders, have in creating such an environment?
Do you pray for the people of your church? Do you know what to pray for? In order to pray rightly for your brothers and sisters, we actually need to know what their needs are. And to receive intercessory prayer, we need to be a bit vulnerable and share our own needs with others. Every... Continue Reading
Where Are You?
God's gracious words to Adam and Eve
When he asked that glorious question, God already knew where Adam and Eve were. He also knew where he was going to take them. As they fearfully hid from God, Adam and Eve knew God was holy. But after he pursued them, they learned of his grace and of his justice. They never could have... Continue Reading
Soldier, son of PCA RE, dies from injuries
Michael Simpson, son of PCA RE Michael Simpson of Faith Presbyterian San Antonio, was wounded in a bomb blast in Afghanistan
The elder Simpson, a decorated, retired Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, left Monday to meet his daughter-in-law at Fort Lewis in Tacoma, Wash., before heading to Germany, where his son was taken after the blast. The son of Olmos Park City Manager Michael W. Simpson has died from the injuries he suffered in a... Continue Reading